
Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II

Sarcophagus of Nectanebo II

The conglomerate sarcophagus of Nectanebo II was discovered after being used as a bath in the Attarin Mosque, the former Church of St Athanasius, in Alexandria, Egypt. Drill holes at the bottom of the coffin, used for drainage, had been installed and are still very noticeable. Unfortunately, due to it being used as a bath,...

A detail of a wall painting depicts Ameneminet presents a libation offering to Amenhotep III & Queen Tiye.

Ameneminet presents a libation offering

A detail of a wall painting depicts Ameneminet presents a libation offering to Amenhotep III & Queen Tiye. Ameneminet was an Ancient Egyptian priest, who worked in dedication to the deity Ptah-Sokar, at Amenhotep III’s Temple of Millions of Years. Ritual Libation in Ancient Egypt Ritual libation was an important practice in ancient Egypt. It...

Tomb of Neferhotep TT49

Tomb of Neferhotep TT49

A woman’s offerings became clear after laser cleaning New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, c. 1320 B.C. Thebes, Tomb of Neferhotep (TT49). Since its construction, the tomb of Neferhotep (late 18th Dynasty) had been used for storing cattle and even as housing. When Jean-François Champollion entered the tomb, he wrote, “Now the tomb is almost completely damaged....

Anubis in human form at the Temple of Ramesses II, Abydos.

Anubis in human form

Arguably one of the most famous Ancient Egyptian deities recognized in the modern world, Anubis (jnpw), known to the Egyptians as Anpu, is an icon of the ancient world. From books to movies, his likeness still remains a favourite, and he is recognized worldwide, often springing to mind when Ancient Egypt is mentioned in entertainment...

Art of the Egyptologist - Émile Prisse d'Avennes

Art of the Egyptologist

Before photography became most prevalent, Egyptologists would heavily rely on artists to document the relics and monuments of the ancient world. Even Howard Carter himself started his career as an artist, documenting what he saw before him in temples and tombs. Here we see an example of the beautiful artwork of Émile Prisse d’Avennes, a...

Edwin Smith Medical papyrus

The Edwin Smith medical papyrus is undoubtedly one of the most important of the medical papyri. It was sold by Mustafa Agha, an Egyptian merchant, dealer and Consular Agent in Luxor to the American, Edwin Smith, a resident in Luxor 1858-1876. Unusually for his time, he had an extensive knowledge of hieratic, which enabled him...

According to the Greek writer, Polyaenus, c. 200 C.E., the Persians, during their successful attempt at occupying Egypt (525 BCE). Paul-Marie Lenoir, 1872.

Egyptians in the eyes of the Greeks

According to the Greek writer, Polyaenus, c. 200 C.E., the Persians, during their successful attempt at occupying Egypt (525 BCE), used sacred animals as bait and protection against the Egyptian military. In this painting by Paul-Marie Lenoir from 1872, we see that cats are being slung and thrown to their death in front of the...

The three men at the front kneel and raise their hands in praise for Tutankhamun

Tribute from the South, Lower Nubia (Wawat), Upper Nubia (Kush)

A relief of a tribute from the South from the tomb of Huy, the Viceroy of Kush, “King’s Son of Kush, Overseer of the Southern Countries”. A Viceroy is “the governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of a king or sovereign”. He rules over the foreign territories, for the sake...

Colossal of Ramesses II at Mit Rahina Museum, Memphis.

Colossal of Ramesses II, at Memphis

Limestone colossus of king Ramesses II, at Memphis, the colossal of Ramesses II, was discovered in 1820 by Giovanni Battista Caviglia, an Italian traveller. The statue is so large, an enclosure had to be built around it at the open air Mit Rahina Museum. Almost impossible to move, and after multiple attempts to relocate the...

Relief of Hetepheres II and daughter Meresankh III. Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, c. 2548-2522 B.C.

Hetepheres II and daughter Meresankh III

Double Mastaba of Meresankh III, G7530-40 (originally built for Hetepheres II), Giza Necropolis. Hetepheres II is the daughter of King Khufu, her daughter Meresankh III is granddaughter to Khufu and the wife of King Khafre. “Her mother, beholder of Horus and Seth, the great favourite, the controller of the butchers of the house of the...