
Nubian and Asiatic captives at work

A man thought to be an Asiatic captive at work during the construction of the Temple of Amun at Karnak.This scene, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, depicts captives thought to be of Asiatic and Nubian origins doing manual labour. Prisoners of war were often recruited to work on major projects, or even sometimes made to...

The White Chapel of Senwosret I

The White Chapel of Pharaoh Senwosret I, also known as the Jubilee Chapel of Senwosret I, was built during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. During the New Kingdom, it was dismantled and used as filling for the Third Pylon of Karnak’s temple in the Amun-Re Precinct. The dismantled fragments were discovered inside the Third Pylon of Karnak’s...


Grape cultivation & winemaking depicted within the Tomb of Nakht (TT52), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Western Thebes. Wine was a staple good in Ancient Egypt. It also played an integral part in ancient Egyptian ritual practices. Around 3000 BC, grape cultivation from the Levant led to the establishment of a rich royal winemaking industry in Egypt’s...


Paneb was a chief of the Theban workers of Deir el-Medina, who is infamous for the numerous allegations against him including; debauchery, bribery, theft (including royal stone and objects from tombs), sexual assault and violence. The Papyrus Salt 124 (also known as the British Museum Papyrus 10055) (Museum number EA10055) presents the numerous charges against...

Mummy of Maiherpri


Measuring at 5’4.75 inches tall, the mummy of Maiherpri showcases a young man of approximately no more than 25-30 years of age. Sadly, little is known about Maiherpri, and the only sources found thus far that give us a little knowledge about him are the titles discovered within his tomb (KV36). Maiherpri’s name translates to...

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian, depicted in the Temple of Beit el-Wali; a rock-cut temple the king had built in the Nubian region for seemingly propagandist reasoning. The temple was dedicated to the deities; Ra-Horakhty, Amun-Ra, Anuket and Khnum (feminine & masculine Nile deities). The Temple of Beit el-Wali was relocated to higher ground in...

Facsimile of a wall painting from the Tomb of Nakht (TT52). Nina De Garis Davies (1881-1965).

Cat eating fish under a chair

This charming image of a cat eating a fish whilst sat under the chair of a woman named Tawy, is depicted on the Western wall, southern side, within the 18th Dynasty tomb of Tawy’s husband named Nakht (TT52). The image has been documented in a facsimile by the artist Nina De Garis Davis, with all...

Daughters and wife of Rekhmire

Daughters and wife of Rekhmire

The four daughters of Vizier Rekhmire and his wife, Meryt, stand before an offering table of tribute placed in dedication to their parents.The two older daughters stand behind the two smaller, younger daughters. The four sisters offer their parents sistrums, alongside a perfume dish and vessel. Tomb of the Vizier Rekhmire (TT100), reign of Thutmose...

Meryt wife of the Mayor of Thebes Sennefer

Meryt, wife of the “Mayor of the Southern City (Thebes)”, Sennefer, as depicted within his tomb, TT96 (“Tomb of the Vineyards”).New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep II, c.1439-1413 B.C.Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Theban Necropolis.