
Ancient Egypt offers a wide range of topics to explore. These topics provide a starting point for exploring the rich and complex civilization of Ancient Egypt. Each area offers a unique perspective on the history, culture, and achievements of this remarkable ancient civilization.

Caesar’s Egypt

The arrival of Julius Caesar in Egypt in 48 B.C. marked a turning point in the history of the ancient world, intertwining Rome’s fate with that of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. His involvement was not merely a matter of conquest but of political intrigue, romance, and a struggle for supremacy that would shape the future of...

Goddess Sekhmet

A goddess of unmatched power, grace and divine fury—Sekhmet, the lioness-headed deity was said to be born from the breath of Ra, and was both a fierce protector and relentless avenger. As one of the most ancient deities of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon, she was revered as a fierce guardian of pharaohs, a goddess of...

Pets in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, they kept a variety of pets, with cats, dogs, mongooses, monkeys, gazelles, and birds being among the most popular. Many Egyptians deeply cherished their animal companions, and mourning the loss of a beloved pet was a serious ritual. According to Herodotus, in his publication Histories (Book II, Chapter 66) traditional mourning practices...

Maatkare Mutemhat: The High Priestess of Amun

Maatkare Mutemhat was the daughter of Pinedjem I, the de facto ruler of Upper Egypt as the High Priest of Amun at Thebes, and his wife, Duathathor-Henuttawy, who carried the blood of kings, being the daughter of Ramesses XI—the final sovereign of Egypt’s 20th Dynasty. It is thought that Maatkare Mutemhat ascended to a sacred...

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

In 2021, archaeologists in Egypt made a fascinating discovery—a 2,500-year-old mummy with a golden tongue. Found at the Taposiris Magna temple near Alexandria, this remarkable find is believed to be linked to ancient burial rituals aimed at ensuring the deceased could speak in the afterlife. The Mummy with the Golden Tongue was discovered in early...

Grape harvest and bird catching

Grape harvest and bird catching

The grape harvest scene in the Tomb of Nakht (TT52) is one of the most notable and detailed depictions in the tomb. In the upper register, two men harvesting grapes, one of the men has grey hair. Harvested grapes are placed in a white stone press where they are treated by five men. Man collects...

The Heart in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the heart was not just a physical organ but was seen as the repository of one’s moral life. Protecting it was crucial for ensuring a favourable judgment in the afterlife. Due to the heart’s significance, it was one of the few organs left in the body during mummification or reinserted after preservation,...

Is Nefertiti under our Noses?

24th December, 2024: Opinion Piece “In a chamber beyond a tomb full of treasures, a sarcophagus adorned with gilded gold takes centre stage, with the serene face of the instantly recognizable beauty of beauties carved delicately into the hard stone or wood. Inside, the perfectly embalmed mummy of a queen lays, beyond the wrappings, her...

Greywacke statue of Taweret from Luxor

Goddess Taweret

To the Egyptians, Hippopotami were associated with the protective goddess Taweret who was associated with childbirth, pregnancy, and motherhood. The Egyptians saw hippos as a fearsome creature who protected their young from predators, with the ferociousness of the hippo encapsulating protective love. Therefore, the nature of the hippo became a symbol of guardianship during pregnancies,...

Winter Solstice

While we don’t have detailed accounts of how the Winter and Summer Solstices were exactly marked and specifically celebrated in Ancient Egypt, it is clear and evident that the Egyptians recognized the importance of the cycle of seasons, agriculture, and associated such with the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. All evidence suggests to...