
Statue of Penbui

Statue of Penbui as a Standard-bearer

The fine wooden statue of Penbui in the picture, represented with his left leg forward, supports with his arms two rods, resting on his shoulders, on which there is the image of the god Ptah on the left and the god Amun on the right, both seated on a throne. Penbui wears a pleated skirt,...

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

This gilded ushabti is an image of the young king Tutankhamun wearing the Blue Khepresh Crown of ceremonies and processions and the uraeus. It is adorned with a broad collar cut in gold leaf and the two insignia of Osiris. Ushabtis, also known as shabtis or shawabtis, are small figurines that were commonly found in...

Statue of the Lector Priest Kaaper

Statue of the Lector Priest Kaaper, Sheikh el-Balad

The statue depicts Kaaper, the chief lector priest, in charge of reciting prayers for the deceased in temples and funerary chapels. Sheikh el-Balad, Arabic title for the chief of the village, was the name given to this remarkable wooden statue discovered by the workmen of Auguste Mariette, the French archaeologist, because it resembled their own...

Model of ancient Egyptian Infantry

Model of ancient Egyptian soldiers

This group model of ancient Egyptian soldiers was found in the tomb of Mesehti, a local governor of Asyut at the end of the First Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. The group consists of forty soldiers arranged in ten lines. They are colored reddish brown, their strong tan indicating their continuous...

Mask of the god Anubis. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 55620

Mask of the God Anubis

This mask represents the head of the black jackal, Anubis, the god of cemeteries and mummification. He wears the striped nemes headdress; a large part of it is missing but it still has some golden stripes. The eyebrows and whiskers are also gilded. The eyes are in a very good condition. This mask was worn...

Head of Tutankhamun emerging from a lotus flower

Tutankhamun Head of Nefertem

The Head of Nefertem (also known as the Head from the Lotus Bloom or Tutankhamun as the Sun God). An unusual and appealing small head that is a masterpiece; it was found by Howard Carter at the entrance to the Tomb of Tutankhamun. The head is that of the king tut with very beautiful features,...

Woman Statuette

Woman Statuette

This wooden statuette of a woman depicting her wears a wig with a wreath of leaves and a lotus flower on her forehead. In her left hand she holds a sistrum (a rattle used in the cult of female deities), whose handle only is preserved. The right arm, which was carved separately and attached with...

Wooden Statuette of Neferetmau

Wooden Statuette of Neferetmau

The wooden statuette depicts a naked young girl named Neferetmau with her arms stretched out along her body. The head is mostly shaved, with the exception of the braids (some fall on the shoulders, others cover the forehead) that frame the face, and two loose strands of hair. She wears disc earrings and a golden...

Statuette of Tutankhamun on a Funerary Bed

This statuette depicts king Tutankhamun upon his funerary bed. The king is shown mummified in the Osiride royal form, with his hands crossed over his chest. Tutankhamun is lying on a splendidly decorated funerary bed decorated with two lion’s heads. The bed is engraved with funerary formula and prayer to accompany the king upon his...