
Leopard from the tomb of Thutmose IV

Striding leopard from the tomb of king Thutmose IV The figure is made of six pieces of wood put together – the body, four legs, and the tail – and has two rectangular mortises on its back for the insertion of tenons. Originally, the piece would have featured inlaid eyes, which have since been lost....

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

This mannequin of king Tutankhamun was located in the annex of his tomb at the Valley of the Kings (KV62) and was found amid other items used in daily life and for ceremonial purposes. It is made of wood covered with a thin layer of plaster, which was then painted. It has a smooth, white...

Wooden face from a coffin

This face, carved from wood (unknown at the present which type of wood), measures at 22.8cm and was purchased by the British Museum from the collection of the Somerset Lowry-Corry, 2nd Earl Belmore (1774–1841) in 1843. Originally, this wooden face was made to be attached to a coffin, alas, whether it ever was attached to...

Nude figure of the Seal Bearer Tjetji

Nude figure of the Seal Bearer Tjetji

Tjetji is shown in the classic pose of a standing official, with his left leg advanced, a long staff in his left hand, and a sekhem scepter (now lost) held horizontally in his right hand. The arms of this statue were made separately and pegged to the body, and the feet tenoned into a separate...

Goddess Nut on the sarcophagus of Soter

The goddess Nut is illustrated with a laden fruit tree behind her. Her hair is long and in tresses, and she is adorned with various jewels such as a chaplet, floral collar, and a necklace with pendants. Her arms are decorated with golden bracelets in the form of snakes. A vertical register of hieroglyphs with...

Statuette of a Woman

Made from the wood from a sycamore fig tree, this painted statuette of a woman dates from the 18th Dynasty, c. 1427-1353 B.C. The woman depicted wears a beautiful linen white gown that is sleeveless on one side. This style of fashion was seemingly popular among the elite and royalty of the time, as we...

Model of a Slaughter House

Model of a Slaughter House

This model of a slaughter house was discovered in a hidden chamber beside twenty-three other models of boats, gardens, and workshops that led to the royal chief steward Meketre’s rock-cut tomb. Meketre started working for the kings of the 11th Dynasty under King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II and continued to serve them until the early 12th...

Statue of Imertnebes

This wooden figure of a priestess named Imertnebes was discovered in Thebes and dates from the Middle Kingdom period, c. 1991-1783 B.C. Imertnebes was a high-ranking priestess who bore a title that would eventually be designated for princesses who served as high-priestesses of Amun; “God’s Wife“. Depicted in typical Middle Kingdom fashion, Imertnebes’s figure is...

Official Mitry

Mitry (formerly spelt “Merti”) was a senior official and province governor. His tomb’s serdab (statue chamber) contained eleven extraordinarily huge wooden statues. Five are in The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection (26.2.2 – 26.2.6); five, including two wooden scribes, are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; and one is at Stockholm’s Medlhavsmuseet. Most of these...

Middle Kingdom Woman

This wooden statuette depicts a Middle Kingdom woman with a wig of plaited hair parted in the middle, creating a pigtail appearance. Her real hair can be seen within the middle part of the wig peeking through, with slight painted lines indicating hair strands. Such a hairstyle was usually associated with the goddess Hathor. The...