Women in Egypt

Vessel in the form of a nursing woman

Made from red fired clay, this jug depicts a woman nursing a baby. Based upon the medical-magical texts, it is believed this jug would hold milk for the mother and newborn. The baby has the traditional “side lock of youth“, a plait of long hair on an otherwise bald or shortly cropped head of hair,...

Cartonnage Mummy Mask of a Woman

This mummy mask of a woman dates from the 11th Dynasty, around 2000 B.C. The woman is adorned in a usekh collar, headband with exposed breasts. Her eyes and brows are lined with blue. She wears a heavy wig of black hair and her skin is painted yellow. Most notably about this mummy mask are...

Detail of Nefer, Royal Acquiantence

Royal Acquaintance, Nefer

This painted limestone stela with raised relief carving depicts an Old Kingdom era woman named Nefer who held the title, “Acquaintance of the king”. Discovered within her mastaba, this stela was used to supply offerings to Nefer beyond death, including; “a thousand alabaster vessels, a thousand pieces of cloth“, “purification of 3 pellets of natron”,...

Statue of Ninefertmin


This seated statue of a woman called Ninefertmin, would have been made in dedication to her memory in hopes of rejuvenating her spirit with offerings and prayers. It could have been commissioned by Ninefertmin herself, or by family. These types of portraits could often depict family members together, known as “group statues”, or husband and...

Middle Kingdom Family Portrait

Family portrait featuring a male and two female figures. The man wears a plaited wig that is shoulder length. His ears are oversized, something that was seemingly ‘in fashion’ of the time in depictions of the human form. He wears a lengthy skirt or shenydt that wraps around him just above his hip, his hands...

Statue of Lady Hel

“everything that comes forth in the presence of the gods of Memphis for the Osiris, the lady Hel…”, “one who makes music for (her) lady”, This seated limestone statue of a woman, called Lady Hel, was seemingly made to be placed within a tomb chapel in Saqqara. We can tell this statue was intended for...

Statue of Nehy

Inscription: Everything which goes forth before the lords of the necropolis: bread, beer, oxen and fowl, wine, incense, libation-water and all good and pure things for the Ka of the Osiris, the Mistress of the House, the Chantress of the Mistress of Heaven, She of the Southern Sycamore (Hathor), Nehy, True of Voice. Nehy was...


This cartonnage coffin belongs to a woman called Tanetreti-Scherit or “Ta-Reti”, and she was an Ancient Egyptian “Chantress of Amun”, somewhere between, 1070-713 B.C. Ta-reti came from a family of priests and singers or “Chantresses“. Her father was a man named Ankhpakhered (whose title is upon her coffin), who held the title of “Gatekeeper of...

Inet, wife of Iry

Inet, wife of Iry

This limestone low relief depicts Inet, wife of Iry, in front of four smaller figures who are possibly Inet’s children; three women and boy.A funerary formula adorns the top of the scene. Summary:Limestone funerary relief of Inet, wife of IryOld Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, c. 2613-2494 B.C.From Giza. British Museum. EA1170

Two ladies clap while the dancers perform

Dancers in the tomb of Urienptah

Purchased by the British Museum from the Government of the British Protectorate of Egypt in 1904, this limestone scene and false door from the Mastaba tomb of Urienptah showcases the Old Kingdom traditional funerary art in a splendid display. The women have short cropped hair, possibly capped wigs, and long fitted dresses that hit their...