
Stool of Tutankhamun with Sema Tawy Symbol. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 62039

Stool of Tutankhamun with Sema Tawy Symbol

The stool of Tutankhamun is made of wood and covered in gold leaf, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship of ancient Egyptian artisans. The elements of the stool are joined to each other with copper pins. The chair’s legs were modeled to look like the legs of a lion. The lion held a privileged status in ancient...

Tutankhamun, King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife

Tutankhamun, King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife

“This authoritative yet accessible book tells the story of King Tutankhamun, from his own lifetime in the fourteenth century BC, down to modern times. An innovative account of the life of Tutankhamun, the rediscovery of his existence, and the enduring impact of the finding of his tomb, by leading Egyptologist Aidan Dodson. The spectacular discovery...

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

This gilded ushabti is an image of the young king Tutankhamun wearing the Blue Khepresh Crown of ceremonies and processions and the uraeus. It is adorned with a broad collar cut in gold leaf and the two insignia of Osiris. Ushabtis, also known as shabtis or shawabtis, are small figurines that were commonly found in...

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

This scene is unique in its nature. We never witnessed an heir or a successor performing the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony on the deceased King. The scene from the north wall of the burial chamber in the Tomb of Tutankhamun shows the brown “freckling” of the paintings that may have resulted...

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

This masterpiece amethyst scarab bracelet associated with Tutankhamun was found in a beautiful cartouche shaped box with other fine pieces of jewelry. The main element in the design is the light violet amethyst scarab with details, as is common with scarabs of this hard stone, which was considered a precious gemstone in ancient Egypt. It...

Tutankhamun's Box Decorated with Tyet and Djed Signs

Tutankhamun Box with Djed and Tyet Signs

This rectangular box with djed and tyet signs was found in the annex of the tomb of Tutankhamun. It stands on four slim elegant legs and the panels are made of cedar wood. At the bottom of the box is an alternating decoration of fretwork hieroglyphs. The Tyet sign, the symbol of the blood of...

Winged Scarab Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

This is a masterpiece of pectoral from the collection of Tutankhamun. It is a pectoral decorated in a complex way: the central part of the pectoral which represents the throne name (or prenomen) of the king, Nebkheperure, consists in the middle of a large lapis lazuli scarab. Below it is the hieroglyphic sign “neb”, which...

Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This beautiful winged scarab pectoral illustrates the throne name of King Tutankhamun, “Neb- khepreu-re.” The central element is the scarab “Khepri” made of a fine piece of lapis lazuli, and three strokes of plural “sign in hieroglyphs” below it. Between the forelegs of the scarab, the risen sun disk “Re” is depicted. The pectoral is...

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

Earrings of Tutankhamun with Duck Heads

This pair of earrings is the most beautiful of the four pairs discovered in the Tomb of Tutankhamun. The ducks with outstretched wings form a circle and its feet hold the shen sign. The head is made of translucent blue glass and the wing is fashioned in cloisonné. Under the duck hang gold and blue...

Perfume Vase of King Tutankhamun

Perfume Vase of Tutankhamun

Alabaster perfume vase upon ornamental stand, with cartouches of Tutankhamun, lotus and papyrus flowers forming a Sema Tawy (unification of the two lands) and stems as renpet (time or eternity) signs. This vase differs from others in the complicated knot that ties the various stems of the plants around its neck together. The lower part...