
Statuette of Tutankhamun the Harpooner

Statuette of Tutankhamun the Harpooner

A gilded, wooden statuette of King Tutankhamun stands on a wooden boat that is painted to represent a papyrus boat. Its details are picked out in gold leaf. The king, wearing the Deshret Red Crown of Lower Egypt, holds a harpoon poised to strike an unseen enemy. According to the myth of Osiris and Isis,...

Chest of Tutankhamun with Miniature Panoramas

Chest of Tutankhamun with Miniature Panoramas

This magnificent wooden chest of Tutankhamun is painted on all its surfaces with hunting and war scenes. On one side of the lid, King Tutankhamun is depicted in his chariot, hunting gazelles, deers, ostriches, and other desert animals. On the other side, he is shooting arrows at lions. The short sides shows the king is...

Gold Dagger and Sheath of Tutankhamun

Gold Dagger and Sheath of Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun’s mummy was provided with two daggers encased in gold sheaths, one with an iron blade and the other with a blade of hardened gold. It is the latter specimen ceremonial Egyptian dagger which is shown here. The handle is exquisitely decorated with gold granulation and glass inlays and is fitted with a knob of...

Funerary Couch in the form of Mehit

Funerary Couch in the form of Mehit

This wooden bed is covered with gilded plaster designed to represent two elongated lionesses represent the goddess Mehit. According to the ancient Egyptian beliefs, Mehit was identified with Hathor, Sekhmet, and Isis and helped to cause the Nile flood when she was appeased. The eyes of these animals are inlaid with blue glass paste; the...

Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World

Tutankhamun: the Tomb that Changed the World

“It is often thought that the story of Tutankhamun ended when the thousands of dazzling items discovered by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon were transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and put on display. But there is far more to the boy-king’s story. Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World explores the 100...

Stool of Tutankhamun with Sema Tawy Symbol. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 62039

Stool of Tutankhamun with Sema Tawy Symbol

The stool of Tutankhamun is made of wood and covered in gold leaf, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship of ancient Egyptian artisans. The elements of the stool are joined to each other with copper pins. The chair’s legs were modeled to look like the legs of a lion. The lion held a privileged status in ancient...

Tutankhamun, King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife

Tutankhamun, King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife

“This authoritative yet accessible book tells the story of King Tutankhamun, from his own lifetime in the fourteenth century BC, down to modern times. An innovative account of the life of Tutankhamun, the rediscovery of his existence, and the enduring impact of the finding of his tomb, by leading Egyptologist Aidan Dodson. The spectacular discovery...

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

Ushabti of Tutankhamun

This gilded ushabti is an image of the young king Tutankhamun wearing the Blue Khepresh Crown of ceremonies and processions and the uraeus. It is adorned with a broad collar cut in gold leaf and the two insignia of Osiris. Ushabtis, also known as shabtis or shawabtis, are small figurines that were commonly found in...

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

This scene is unique in its nature. We never witnessed an heir or a successor performing the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony on the deceased King. The scene from the north wall of the burial chamber in the Tomb of Tutankhamun shows the brown “freckling” of the paintings that may have resulted...

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Amethyst Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

This masterpiece amethyst scarab bracelet associated with Tutankhamun was found in a beautiful cartouche shaped box with other fine pieces of jewelry. The main element in the design is the light violet amethyst scarab with details, as is common with scarabs of this hard stone, which was considered a precious gemstone in ancient Egypt. It...