
Unknown Amarna royal, possibly Tutankhamun or some propose it is the likeness of the mysterious Smenkhkare

Unknown Amarna royal

This limestone bust of an Amarna royal has never been officially identified, yet the Neues Museum in Berlin does display it with the title of Tutankhamun, which is a likely possibility, others propose that it may be the mysterious 18th Dynasty ruler Smenkhkare. Who it is depends on the scholar, and your own thoughts at...

Daughter of Nefertiti & Akhenaten. Amarna Princess

Amarna Princess – Daughter of Nefertiti & Akhenaten

This head of an unknown princess dates from the Amarna Period, and the family resemblance among the sculptures of the period is noticeable here. The youthful face and enlarged, elongated heads tended to be a choice for the Amarna artists to depict the daughters of the king. Found in Amarna, this head is now on...

Three rings of Tutankhamun

Three rings of Tutankhamun

Wrapped together in a package, placed above the right wrist of the mummy of Tutankhamun, were five rings, three of which are illustrated here. (Top to bottom) (a) Particular interest attaches to the material of this ring. It is a green translucent stone, which Carter thought was chalcedony. However, scientific tests carried out by Alfred...

Is this the face of Queen Kiya?

Egyptian Alabaster Canopic jar of a queen

Egyptian-Alabaster Canopic jar of an 18th Dynasty queen, found within tomb KV55. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period, c. 1349–1330 B.C. One of four Canopic jars believed to have belonged to Akhenaten’s secondary wife, Queen Kiya. Despite being associated with Kiya, the image of the beautifully carved wig adorned royal upon the jar lids has...

The three men at the front kneel and raise their hands in praise for Tutankhamun

Tribute from the South, Lower Nubia (Wawat), Upper Nubia (Kush)

A relief of a tribute from the South from the tomb of Huy, the Viceroy of Kush, “King’s Son of Kush, Overseer of the Southern Countries”. A Viceroy is “the governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of a king or sovereign”. He rules over the foreign territories, for the sake...

Skeletonized mummy of KV55 (Akhenaten?)

Skull from the skeletonized mummy of KV55, believed by some to be that of king Akhenaten, whereas others propose it may be the mysterious king Smenkhkare. The skeleton was found in a vandalised coffin, with a vulture pectoral upon him. Recent C.T. scan analysis of the skeletal remains, put the age range of these bones...

Mummy of the Younger Lady

Tutankhamun’s mother (The Younger Lady)

The mummy known as “The Younger Lady”, formally identified as the mother of king Tutankhamun and full biological sister of the mummy known as KV55 (believed by some scholars to be that of Akhenaten but not officially certified), is a daughter of king Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife, Tiye. Modern analysis of “The...

Mummy of a Prince (possibly son of Tiye & Amenhotep, Thutmose)

This mummy of the adolescent boy was found between the mummy of Queen Tiye and her daughter (The Younger Lady) in Tomb KV35. Some scholars suggest this mummy could be the first son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye, who died as a youth; Prince Thutmose. However, this has not been verified as yet and...

Statue of Amun with features of Tutankhamun

Statue of Amun with features of Tutankhamun

Standing graywacke statue of Amun, preserved from the knees up. Amun wears a short kilt fastened with a tyet amulet, a broad collar. The tall plumes of his crown are missing. In his hands, he holds two ankh symbols. The statue is an indication of Egyptian religion reverting to traditional presentations connecting the king and...

Tutankhamun Scarab Necklace

Tutankhamun Scarab Necklace

Gold inlay necklace and pendant with scarab from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. A flexible pectoral with suspension chains and counterpoise clasp. This necklace with pectoral of the rising sun on the horizon is one of the finest of the many pectorals found in king Tut’s treasures. It has a large lapis lazuli scarab in the...