
Corselet of Tutankhamun

Corselet of Tutankhamun

Howard Carter found the fragments of Tutankhamun corselet in various places around the antechamber of the tomb. Some were contained in three small chests and a small gilded wooden shrine, while others lay on the ground in the antechamber and the corridor. Two pendants were joined to the collars: the front one portrays Amun-Re on...

Golden Throne of Tutankhamun

Golden Throne of Tutankhamun

The golden throne of Tutankhamun is a unique work of art. It is considered to be one of the most significant and well-preserved pieces of furniture from ancient Egypt. Its colors have not faded over three thousand years, which serves as a testament to the high skill of the ancient Egyptian craftsmen. The luxurious armchair...

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of goddess Werethekau with plumed and horned head-dress and snake body, suckling a standing figure of King Tutankhamun. Made of heavy plate gold on two large suspension rings at back, just below head-dress. “The cobra with woman’s head sometimes wears the low crown also associated with Isis, but on other occasions the Double Crown...

Ceremonial Throne of Tutankhamun

The high curved back of the Ceremonial Throne of Tutankhamun is fitted to a stool with crossed legs carved to represent the necks and heads of ducks. The deeply curved seat (designed to hold a cushion) is inlaid with ebony and ivory in imitation of a spotted animal skin. The glory of this chair is...

Innermost Gold Coffin of Tutankhamun

Innermost Gold Coffin of Tutankhamun

The innermost coffin of Tutankhamun is is a highly significant artifact from ancient Egypt. It is made of a solid gold and covered with incised decorations and inscriptions inside and outside, with the names and epitaph of the deceased king and protective texts. It is inlaid with semiprecious stones and coloured glass. The coffin’s shape...