
The treasures of the tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) include the iconic golden burial mask, jewelry, furniture, statues, and various other valuable and ornate items. The tomb was discovered in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor. Many of these artifacts are on display at the Cairo Museum, allowing visitors to marvel at the splendor of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Cult Stele of King Ahmose

Cult Stele of King Ahmose

This unique stele commemorates the deceased ruler Ahmose (1539-1515 BC), who inaugurated the 18th Dynasty in the New Kingdom. The relief style places the stele’s manufacture later in the reign of Tutankhamun (1332–1323 BC). At this time, royal cults were reinstated after the reign of Akhenaten, who wiped out the cults of other gods in...

Lion-shaped perfume vase of Tutankhamun

Lion-shaped perfume vase of Tutankhamun

The mythical lion is represented standing with its right leg forward, in contrast to human statues, which have the left leg forward. It shows an aggressive attitude against evil powers; the fangs are bared, the tongue protrudes from the mouth to tease, one foreleg is raised to ward off all evil forces while the other...

The Mummy of Thuya

Yuya and Thuya are the parents of Queen Tiye, the beloved Great Royal Wife of king Amenhotep III. The pair were buried at the famous Valley of the Kings, within their tomb known as KV46, which was discovered in February of 1905 by by the British Egyptologist James E. Quibell, during excavations funded by the...

Colossal Tutankhamun

This colossal statue of king Tutankhamun is one of two colossal figures of the king discovered at Medinet Habu, within the remnants of the Hypostyle Hall of the Funerary Temple of king Ay and Horemheb. Made of quartzite, this statue stands around 10ft tall. The remnants of paint remain, giving us a clear indication of...

Akhenaten in blue

Akhenaten in blue

Egyptian blue, also known as calcium copper silicate (CaCuSi4O10 or CaOCuO(SiO2)4 (calcium copper tetrasilicate)) or cuprorivaite, is a pigment that was used in Ancient Egypt for thousands of years. It is considered to be the first synthetic pigment. It was known to the Romans by the name caeruleum. After the Roman era, Egyptian blue fell...

Ceremonial Shield of Tutankhamun

Ceremonial Shields of Tutankhamun

Among the military equipment found in the tomb of Tutankhamun were eight shields, four of which are ceremonial and are of openwork wood, incised and gilded. On this shield, a winged sun disk curves around the top, protecting the king who is shown with a scimitar in one hand and holding two lions by their...

Mummified skull of Amenhotep III

Mummified skull of Amenhotep III

The mummified skull of Amenhotep III, photographed by Grafton Elliot Smith in 1912. Originally buried in WV22 (Valley of the Kings), Amenhotep III’s mummy was moved in ancient times to Tomb KV35, the tomb of Amenhotep II, which was used by Egyptian priests around the Third Intermediate Period as a royal “mummy” cache (storage). Tomb...

Head of Tutankhamun

This indurated limestone head of Tutankhamun, shows the youthful king wearing the khepresh crown, with a cobra uraeus. Upon first glance you may miss it, but what is fascinating is the hand of Amun, sanctifying Tutankhamun. Although statues of Egyptian rulers with deities were common practice, this piece, depicting Tutankhamun with Amun, showcases the rapid...

Egyptians in battle against the Nubians

Egyptians in battle against the Nubians

A scene depicted on a wooden chest showcases Tutankhamun’s Egyptian military defiant against the Nubians. Battle scenes along the length of the chest’s sides show the king riding in his chariot, accompanied by well organized archers, lancers, cavalrymen, and fan bearers, charging the enemies of Egypt; one side of the chest features the enemies of...

Prince Thutmose grinding grain

Prince Thutmose grinding grain

This graywicke figurine showcases the crown prince Thutmose, son of Amenhotep III & his Great Royal Wife, Tiye, grinding grain. The figure dates from around 1390 -1352 B.C., during the reign of his father Amenhotep III. Prince Thutmose served as a priest of Ptah in ancient Memphis. His full royal titles were “Crown Prince, Overseer...