
Assyrian man carved into a schist statue base

This fragment of a statue base shows a Assyrian man’s head and shoulders. He wears a fringed robe embroidered with rosettes and has long hair and a headband. He also has a beard and a moustache, something that Assyrians were usually depicted with. The man’s complete figure was positioned flat on his belly, his back...

Syrian men depicted bringing tribute of vases, weaponry and animals (including horses and bears) to Egypt, within the tomb chapel of the vizier Rekhmire (TT100). An example of trade between the nations.

Syrian men bringing tribute to Egypt

Syrian men depicted bringing tribute of vases, weaponry and animals (including horses and bears) to Egypt, within the tomb chapel of the vizier Rekhmire (TT100). An example of trade between the nations. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Thutmose III – Amenhotep II, c. 1479-1400 B.C.Valley of the Nobles, Theban NecropolisPhotograph by manna4u

Gold and enamel earring with Hathor and rosette Meroë, Nubia (Kushite region), c. 90 B.C. –50 A.D. Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 23.341

Golden Hathor earring found in Meroë

This golden earring depicting the Ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor was discovered in the location of the ancient city of Meroë, capital of the Kingdom of Kush for several centuries from around 590 B.C., until its collapse in the 4th century A.D. The golden Hathor earring would have been a representation of the goddess and may...