
Amenhotep III stele

The Victory Stele of Amenhotep III The stele, was erected to commemorate King Amenhotep III’s (c. 1391-1353 BC) triumph over his opponents. This part displays two concurrent scenarios, with the king standing in his horse-drawn chariot. Above him, the goddess Nekhbet extends her protective wings, symbolising life, stability, and dominion. A quiver of arrows hangs...

Stela of Neferhotep

Neferhotep’s limestone stela has two registers on the face of its spherical top. In the upper register, Amenhotep I and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari sit on thrones facing an altar with a water pot and a floral bouquet. The figurines and text are all carved in raised relief. In the lower register, the foreman Neferhotep, son of...