Seti I

Goddess Hathor offers Menat necklace to Seti I

Goddess Hathor offers Menat necklace to Seti I

Painted relief depicts goddess Hathor offers Menat necklace to Seti I, from a pillar in the Tomb of Seti I (KV17) in the Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. Seti I’s tomb is known for its rich decoration, which included elaborate depictions of gods and pharaohs in various religious contexts. It’s also famous for the...


Architecturally, the Osireion is unique due to its subterranean design, constructed at a much lower level than the surrounding Seti I’s temple, suggesting it was either built into an existing depression or the ground level has significantly changed over time. The structure features massive blocks of red granite, some weighing up to 100 tons, which...

Relief of Ramesses II

This limestone relief, depicting king Ramesses II, is rich in colour despite being just a fragmentary remnant. The king is adorned in yellow, representing glistening gold. The style of portraiture tells us this piece was likely made early within his reign, possibly somewhere between the first two years, as it’s very similar to works created...

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

This head of a ushabti represents king Seti I of Ancient Egypt’s 19th Dynasty, c. 1294-1279 B.C and was discovered within the king’s tomb. The head measures at 5.77cm tall and 7.75cm wide. A composition of blue glaze, this head of Seti I showcases the king wearing the Ancient Egyptian “nemes” stripped royal headdress. The...

Ostracon of a king with a stubbled beard. Walters Art Museum. 32.1

King with a stubbled beard

The ostracon of Seti I is quite a rarity to behold, as a stubbled faced king is a rather peculiar sight in Ancient Egyptian art. Historians suggest the beard is a sign of mourning, growing out a beard is still common practices for mourning in varied cultures around the world until this very day. French...

Alabaster statue of King Seti, once at Egyptian Museum, Cairo, now at the Luxor Musuem. JE 36692 / CG 42139

Statue of Seti I

Once in a weary state, this alabaster masterpiece was discovered dismantled within a cache at Karnak Temple (Luxor, Egypt). It appears that upon the ancient dismantling, the inlaid stones which once filled the eye and eyebrow sockets were removed, as were the likely real and pure golden cuffs that adorned the king’s wrists, placed strategically...

Statue of Yuny and his wife Renenutet. Met Museum. 15.2.1

Statue of Yuny and Renenutet

“May everything that comes forth upon the offering table of [the god] . . . and all pure food that comes forth from the Great Enclosure [the temple complex at Heliopolis] be for the chief scribe, royal scribe of letters, Yuny, justified.” Yuny was a Chief Royal Scribe and Physician during the reign of king...

The Mummy of King Merenptah

The mummy of king Merenptah

The mummy of king Merenptah Rather similarly to the recently crowned King Charles III, Merenptah took the throne later in life. Merenptah became king when he was approximately 70 years of age due to outliving his older brothers. He was the son of Ramesses II (also known as Ramesses the Great), who amazingly lived until...

Detail of the goddess Hathor from the Tomb of Seti I (KV17)

Goddess Hathor from the Tomb of Seti I (KV17)

Detail of the face of Goddess Hathor, with cobra earring, who, in this full relief, is seen welcoming Seti I to the afterlife with a protective menat necklace. The relief was taken from Seti I’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, by Champollion. However, this may not have been an act of “treasure hunting”,...

Faience Ushabti found in the tomb of Seti I

Ushabti of Seti I

Blue glazed composition ushabti of Seti I: the lower leg section is lost. With details painted in black (probably manganese dioxide), Seti I is shown wealing the striped royal ‘nemes’ headdress, once equipped with a rearing cobra above his brow, a broad collar that imitates glazed composition beads, and bracelets that also would have been...