Senusret III

Semna Boundary Stela of Senwosret III

The Semna Boundary Stela of Senwosret III holds one of the most significant inscriptions from Ancient Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. It stands as a powerful testament to the king’s military dominance and nationalistic ideology. Discovered at the Semna fortress, located in Nubia near the Second Cataract of the Nile, the stela served both as a territorial...

Head of Senwosret III

This head, of the Middle Kingdom king Senwosret III, was discovered in front of the 4th Pylon of the Karnak Temple Complex in 1970. Made from rose granite, it depicts the king wearing the Double Crown (Pschent). Measuring at 80cm, the face is easily recognizable as Senwosret III from other portraits of the king, although...

Head of king Senusret III with nemes headdress

Head of king Senusret III with nemes headdress

Fragment of a granite head from a statue of king Senusret III with royal nemes headdress and cobra uraeus. The face of Senusret III is one of the most individual and recognizable in all of Egyptian art. The deep-set, heavy-lidded eyes, the thin lips, and the series of diagonal furrows marking the rather hollow cheeks...

Sphinx of Senusret III

Sphinx of Senusret III

In this magnificent example, the face belongs to Senusret III of 12th Dynasty whose features are very distinctive. With the body of a lion and the head of a human, the sphinx symbolically combined the power of the lion with the image of the reigning king. He wears a pleated linen headcloth, called a nemes...

Obsidian (volcanic glass) head of Senwosret III

Obsidian (volcanic glass) head of Senwosret III

This obsidian head, an exquisite example of Egyptian craftsmanship, was part of a full-length statue depicting King Senwosret III. The king is wearing a nemes headdress, with the sacred serpent (uraeus), representing regal and divine might. In this representation, the artist portrays the sense of a firm yet extremely human figure, showing the load of...

Statue of King Senusret III

Statue of Senusret III

This statue of Senusret III sculpted of black granite was found in the forecourt of the temple of Mentuhotep II at Deir el-Bahari. It was one of the six statues that Senusret III dedicated to the temple of his ancestor Mentuhotep. Senusret restored and endowed this temple, which was the site of an important local...

Head of King Senusret III

Head of Senusret III

In this sculpture from a statue, the head of king Senusret III was no more considered to be a divinity, but a human being. This is reflected in the king’s face, which has wrinkles, a pouting mouth and a protruding chin. All these show old age, a serious nature and weariness. On his head he...

Relief of King Senusret III

This decorative lintel relief with hieroglyphs identify king Senusret III wearing the crown of Lower Egypt (left) and the crown of Upper Egypt (right) during the Heb Sed. Horus and Seth on standards give million years of life to the king. Sed festivals were jubilees celebrated after a ruler had held the throne for thirty...