seated statue

Granite Hatshepsut

This statue, a life-sized representation, presents Hatshepsut wearing the nemes headdress—an insignia typically reserved for the reigning king. While she is draped in female attire, the inscriptions beside her legs already bear her throne name, Ma’at-Ka-Re, yet interestingly her titles remain feminine, calling her the “Lady of the Two Lands” and the “Bodily Daughter of...

Amenemhat III Seated Statue

Amenemhat III (Ancient Egyptian: Ỉmn-m-hꜣt meaning ‘Amun is in the forefront’), also known as Amenemhet III, was a king of Ancient Egypt and the sixth ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom. His father, Senwosret III, elevated him to the throne as co-regent, and he shared the throne as active king for twenty...

Silver seated falcon

This is a solid-cast silver statuette of a falcon headed deity with a plaited wig inlaid with lapis lazuli. The figure almost definitely would have been used as a cult statue and was originally covered in sheet gold, some of which still remains. Hieroglyphic texts and temple reliefs show that the ancient Egyptians included divine...

Colossi of Memnon

The Colossi of Memnon (Arabic: el-Colossat or es-Salamat) are two colossal seated statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, which once would have flanked the entrance of the king’s Mortuary Temple, which was said to have finally been erected in 1350 B.C. The sculptures have 107 Roman-era inscriptions in Greek and Latin dated between 20 and 250...

Statue of Hemiunu

Statue of Hemiunu

“King’s Son of his Body”“Chief Justice”“Greatest of the Five of the House of Thoth” Prince Hemiunu was the son of Nefertmaat and Itet, grandson of king Sneferu, and nephew of king Khufu. Therefore, it is safe to say that Hemiunu, was a man at the centre of Egypt’s pyramid age. As well as the grand...

Statue of Ninefertmin


This seated statue of a woman called Ninefertmin, would have been made in dedication to her memory in hopes of rejuvenating her spirit with offerings and prayers. It could have been commissioned by Ninefertmin herself, or by family. These types of portraits could often depict family members together, known as “group statues”, or husband and...

A Family Portrait

This limestone statuette features a husband, wife and their daughter together for eternity. It dates from the 18th Dynasty was was discovered in Thebes, possibly Deir el-Medina, but uncertain. It measures at 32 x 15.5 x 19.5 cm. The male is painted in traditional Egyptian red, he wears a shoulder length wig with a fringe,...

Statue of Iteti Ankhires

Dating from the Old Kingdom and found within his Saqqara Mastaba, this seated Ka statue of Iteti Ankhires is inscribed with the title of, “The Great One of the Tens of Upper Egypt”. A ka statue is a type of ancient Egyptian statue intended to provide a resting place for the ka (life-force or spirit)...

Neje and Mutnofret

This is a limestone double seated statue of Neje, the doorman of the Temple of Amun with his mother Mutnofret, who also worked at the temple as a priestess. The mother and son pair are depicted in their finest linens and grandest wigs. Mutnofret, has a pleated wrapped floor length linen dress, adorned with a...

Statue of Nehy

Inscription: Everything which goes forth before the lords of the necropolis: bread, beer, oxen and fowl, wine, incense, libation-water and all good and pure things for the Ka of the Osiris, the Mistress of the House, the Chantress of the Mistress of Heaven, She of the Southern Sycamore (Hathor), Nehy, True of Voice. Nehy was...