
The shrine of the Goddess Hathor. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 38575

Shrine of Hathor

The shrine of Hathor and the cow’s statue were retrieved from under heaps of debris south of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. The shrine is from the reign of Thutmose III. Its roof is painted blue with yellow stars to imitate the Vault of Heaven. The statue of Hathor as the divine...

Head of a Princess from Tell el-Amarna

Head of a Princess from Tell el-Amarna

Portrait head of a princess of one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from a composite statue, it was discovered within the workshop of the royal sculptor Thutmose at Tell el-Amarna, or Akhetaten. In Amarna art the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti express the tenets of the new religion. Gathered playfully near their parents,...

Statue of vizier Hor

Statue of the vizier Hor

The vizier Hor is shown seated with one leg bent up against his chest and the other resting on the ground; it is the traditional way to sit, and is used by Egyptian peasants to this day. He has a shaved head, delicate features, round cheeks and a small mouth. His kilt is held up...

Statue of the God Horus as a Falcon

This fine limestone statue probably comes from a chapel dedicated to the god Horus, in the vicinity of the tomb of King Djer at Abydos. At the time of the discovery, the statue still retained significant remains of its polychromy. The breast was covered with a gold leaf, and the wings still had, in places,...

Statue of King Amenhotep II with Meretseger. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 39394

Statue of Amenhotep II Protected by Meretseger

This statue represents King Amenhotep II protected by the goddess Meretseger. He is standing with his left leg striding forward, wearing the white Hedjet crown of Upper Egypt, and with a uraeus emerging from his forehead. Each foot stands on the image of the nine bows, which represent the combined enemies of Egypt. The cartouche...

Statue of King Khafre Enthroned

Khafre Enthroned

The sculpture shows king Khafre enthroned, wearing the royal headdress, known as the nemes, and a false beard, both of which were symbols of kingship in ancient Egypt. It is is considered one of the iconic masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art. Immensely famous ever since its discovery and is known for its exceptional craftsmanship and...

Statue of Ramesses I as a Scribe

This statue of Paramessu, who later became King Ramesses I, shows him in the classic pose of a seated scribe. Statues of this type are intended to depict a great man of letters, not just a mere scribe. He was the founder of the 19th Dynasty, father of King Seti I and grand father of...

Wooden Statuette of Neferetmau

Wooden Statuette of Neferetmau

The wooden statuette depicts a naked young girl named Neferetmau with her arms stretched out along her body. The head is mostly shaved, with the exception of the braids (some fall on the shoulders, others cover the forehead) that frame the face, and two loose strands of hair. She wears disc earrings and a golden...

Colossal Statue of Akhenaten

Colossal Statue of Akhenaten

The colossal statue of Akhenaten serves as a significant archaeological and historical artifact, shedding light on the reign of this unique king and the religious revolution he initiated. In this sculpture, Akhenaten is depicted wears the Pschent or the Double Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, as well as the Khat headdress. The statue is...

Neolithic Clay Head

Merimde clay head

This clay head found in one of the most recent levels of the settlement at Merimde Beni Salama, a village in the Western Delta is enigmatic. This is one of the earliest known representations of a human head in Egypt. The perfectly oval face has features in the form of depressions of various shapes and...