
Pair statue of Ptahkhenuwy and his wife

Pair statue of Ptahkhenuwy and his wife

The pair statue is identified by an inscription painted on the base in black paint as Ptahkhenuwy, supervisor of palace retainers. Private sculpture of the Old Kingdom copied royal sculpture: the poses, youthful body forms, and the wife’s embrace of the husband in this private sculpture is the same as those of King Menkaure and...

Statue of the god Bes

Statue of the god Bes

Bes, the Egyptian protector of infants and expectant mothers, is distinguished by his unusual iconography. The body is stocky, the legs are bowed and the face is similar to a mask, with a snarling mouth, protruding tongue, and the large swollen eyes marked by deep lines. In this specimen from the Roman Age there are...

Anthropomorphic statue of the god Apis

Anthropomorphic statue of the god Apis

The statue depicts the god Apis with a human body and a bull’s head. The arms, the lower part of the body and the legs are missing; however, the god was probably depicted in a standing position holding his right arm in front of him, holding the scepter or was, symbol of power, conserved in...

Crown Prince Thutmose lying on a bier

Crown Prince Thutmose lying on a bier

This small statuette shows the Crown Prince Thutmose lying on a lion bier. The two goddesses Isis and Nephthys are depicted at the head and the raised foot end. The inscription on the long side of the bier gives the names and titles of the heir to the throne: “King’s son, Sem Priest, Thutmose, the...

Statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator

Statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator

Black basalt statue of Cleopatra VII Philopator, last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, 1st century BC. Cleopatra VII Philopator is one of the most mesmerizing women in all of history. Born of a Ptolemy, she became queen at the early age of 17. Cleopatra was highly educated in the full laws and...

Statuette of Isis suckling Horus

Statuette of Isis suckling Horus

In this statuette of Isis suckling Horus, the goddess is seated on a throne whose hieroglyphic sign is used to write her name. She wears a lovely three-part “raven black” wig with tubular locks covering her shoulders with the remains of a vulture; it is surmounted by a mortar ringed with uraei. In its center...

Statue of Horemheb as a Scribe

Statue of Horemheb as a Scribe

This statue was made before Horemheb ascended the throne. Horemheb was a royal scribe and general of the army under Tutankhamun. He continued to serve during the reign of Ay and eventually succeeded Ay as king. By having himself depicted as a scribe, Horemheb declares himself to be among the elite group of literate individuals,...

Statue of Ramessesnakht

Statue of Ramessesnakht as a scribe

The High Priest Ramessesnakht sits with his legs crossed under him the typical pose of a scribe another office he held, his head is bent over his work, his own biography, in his left hand is poised to continue writing. The baboon embracing his head, offering him protection and counsel represents Thoth, god of the...

Statue of Amun with features of Tutankhamun

Statue of Amun with features of Tutankhamun

Standing graywacke statue of Amun, preserved from the knees up. Amun wears a short kilt fastened with a tyet amulet, a broad collar. The tall plumes of his crown are missing. In his hands, he holds two ankh symbols. The statue is an indication of Egyptian religion reverting to traditional presentations connecting the king and...

Bust of King Merenptah

Bust of Merneptah

This gray granite bust from a statue of King Merneptah shows the king as a middle-aged man. He wears the nemes headdress topped by uraeus, or rearing cobra. His names are engraved upon his shoulders. The torso shows a strong, well-built body, serious face but softer features. The statue was once painted; the headdress was...