
Statue of Ramose

Statue of Ramose

This limestone sculpture depicts Ramose, a royal scribe from Deir el-Medina, kneeling and presenting statues of Osiris and Nephthys, along with the four sons of Horus: Hapi, Amset, Duamutef, and Qebehsenuef. The statue was discovered in Deir el-Medina, specifically from shaft 1114. The statue’s dimensions are approximately 37 cm in height, 17.2 cm in width,...

Bust of Thutmose III

Bust of Thutmose III

This marble bust of Thutmose III was found at Deir el-Bahari in two pieces. The head that you see here is original, and was found during excavations in 1964, whereas the body is a cast of the original piece, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The colours of the royal nemes-headdress are very strong,...

Head of Queen of Hatshepsut

Head of Queen of Hatshepsut

Queen Hatshepsut is the most famous female ruler of ancient Egypt. This head, which is one of the masterpieces of 18th Dynasty sculpture, was part of a statue that once represented the queen in the shape of the god Osiris. Queen Hatshepsut, who reigned during the 18th Dynasty (around 1479–1458 BC), is often depicted in...

Akhenaten Making Offerings

Statue of Akhenaten Making Offerings to Aten

This small statue, which depicts King Akhenaten making offerings, was discovered in a house in the residential area of Tell el-Amarna. This type of statuette served as a figurative embodiment of the human pharaoh, enabling the magic rituals in the celebration of religious rites connected with Aten. Akhenaten was a pharaoh who reigned during the...

Quartz Head of a Female Royal

This head of an Amarna Period female royal was found within the remnants of the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose. Sculpted from quartz with traces of pigment upon the lips and eyes, the face is that of a young female, possibly and likely a daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, but there is a possibility it...

Statue of a cat

Statue of a cat

This bronze statue of a cat is a remarkable example of ancient Egyptian art. The statue, which is likely from the Late Period of Egypt (664-332 BC), depicts a cat in a seated position. The statue is often associated with the goddess Bastet, the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the childbirth, often depicted...

Statue of Anen

Anen, also known as Aanen, was an ancient Egyptian nobleman and official during the Eighteenth Dynasty, specifically under the reign of his brother-in-law, Pharaoh Amenhotep III. He held significant roles such as the Chancellor of Lower Egypt, Second of the Four Prophets of Amun, sem-priest of Heliopolis, and was also known as the Greatest of...

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

Mannequin of Tutankhamun

This mannequin of king Tutankhamun was located in the annex of his tomb at the Valley of the Kings (KV62) and was found amid other items used in daily life and for ceremonial purposes. It is made of wood covered with a thin layer of plaster, which was then painted. It has a smooth, white...

Statue of Prince Tjau Seated on the Ground

This distinctive statue depicts Prince Tjau seated in an asymmetrical pose different from the usual cross-legged pose of a scribe at work. His right leg is pulled up in front of him and his left folded beneath each hand is placed on a knee, indicating that he is at rest. He is dressed in a...

Figurine of a Female Dog nursing 5 Pups

Carved and delicately painted, this limestone figurine showcases a mother dog nursing her five pups. Upon a vibrant yellow backdrop, the mother dog is collared and her lead/leash cascades to the floor in a decorative spiral. Her teets are depicted 2-dimensional against the raised limestone 3-dimensional effect of the pups and mother herself. Her face...