
Sphinx Head of King Amenhotep II

Sphinx Head of Amenhotep II

A detail of Sphinx Head of King Amenhotep II. Amenhotep II (sometimes called Amenophis II and meaning ‘Amun is Satisfied’) was the seventh king of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Amenhotep inherited a vast kingdom from his father Thutmose III, and held it by means of a few military campaigns in Syria; however, he fought...

Statue of the protective goddess Meretseger

Statue of the protective goddess Meretseger

This statue represents goddess Meretseger, one of the protective goddesses that were found in the tomb of king Amenhotep II (KV35) in the Valley of the Kings. They were responsible for protecting the body of the king in his afterlife journey. It represents Meretseger in the form of the winged cobra. Meretseger, a cobra goddess...

Triad statue of Ni-ka-re (Nykara), Inspector of the Scribes of the Granary, and his family.

Triad statue of Ni-ka-re (Nykara)

In this Old Kingdom, Late 5th Dynasty, triad statue, dating from approximately 2455-2350 B.C., we see an Ancient Egyptian style family portrait of a man called Ni-ka-re (Nykara), his wife Ni-ka.w-nb (.w) and their son Ankh-ma-re. Such statues were often placed in tombs for offerings to be received, yet they were also placed within households...

Granodiorite Statue of the goddess Sekhmet

Granodiorite Statue of the goddess Sekhmet

Granodiorite statue of the goddess sekhmet, the avenging lion-headed goddess. Like the combative fire spitting goddess the king vanquished Egypt’s enemies. Through her fire Sekhmet was associated with the royal uraeus cobra and the eye of the sun god Re. As the city of Thebes gained power, the priests gave Mut, consort of the God...

Bronze statuette of Harpocrates

Silver Statuette of Harpocrates

Silver statuette of Harpocrates, with gold chain and ring. The god is shown as a chubby Graeco-Roman Cupid with wings and a heavy garland of fruit and leaves crowning his curly head. The left hand is empty, but the right is raised to the chin. A gold chain with a god ring attached to it...

Colossal of Ramesses II at Mit Rahina Museum, Memphis.

Colossal of Ramesses II, at Memphis

Limestone colossus of king Ramesses II, at Memphis, the colossal of Ramesses II, was discovered in 1820 by Giovanni Battista Caviglia, an Italian traveller. The statue is so large, an enclosure had to be built around it at the open air Mit Rahina Museum. Almost impossible to move, and after multiple attempts to relocate the...

Ushabti of Djehuty-mose, "Overseer of the Cattle in the Temple of Amun"

Ushabti of Djehuty-mose, “Overseer of the Cattle in the Temple of Amun”

Ushabti of Djehuty-mose, “Overseer of the Cattle in the Temple of Amun”, holding a Djed Pillar & Knot of Isis, inscribed with the “Khamuas formula”. The Khamuas formula takes its name from the ushabtis of prince Khamuas or Khaemwaset, a son of Ramesses II on whose ushabtis this magical spell appears for the first time....

Scribe Ramose from Deir el-Medina. Musée du Louvre. E 16346

Scribe Ramose from Deir el-Medina

Scribe Ramose from Deir el-Medina New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1279-1213 B.C. Musée du Louvre. E 16346 This painted limestone figure of the Scribe Ramose, shows the Scribe with a beautifully detailed thick wig. His shoulders are adorned with the cartouches of Ramesses II, Thutmose IV and Horemheb. Ramose (scribe in the Place of truth,...

Seated limestone statue of Senwosret I, from el-Lisht. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. CG417

Senwosret I, c. 1961-1917 B.C.

Kheperkare Senwosret I was the son of Amenemhat I, who became Co-Regent alongside his father, sometime after his father’s 20th Regnal Year.Senwosret, following in the footsteps of his father, led brutal campaigns south into Nubia, dominating the region all the way down to the Second Cataract of the Nile, documented on the Buhen Stela. With...

Statue of Viceroy of Kush, Paser, son of Minmose

Statue of Viceroy of Kush, Paser, son of Minmose

Sandstone statue of the Viceroy of Kush, Paser, son of Minmose, holding a ram-headed altar, with an invocation inscribed to Amun-Ra, and prayers to Min & Isis on the back. Also, additional prayers to “Horus, lord of Nubia, and Amun-Ra on behalf of the Viceroy of Kush, Paser” feature. A Viceroy is “the governor of...