
In ancient Egypt, statuary played a significant role in their culture and religious practices. Statues were commonly used to depict gods and goddesses, kings and queens, and other important figures. These sculptures were often made from various materials such as stone, wood, or metal. They were crafted with great attention to detail and were believed to house the spirit like ‘ka statues‘, or essence of the depicted individual. Statues were placed in temples, tombs, and other sacred places, serving as a focal point for worship and offering a physical representation of the divine. The art of statuary in ancient Egypt reflected their beliefs, rituals, and societal hierarchy.

Face of Amenhotep II

Face of Amenhotep II

The faces on most statues of Amenhotep II differ slightly from those of his two immediate predecessors. Compared with the sculpture of Thutmose III or Hatshepsut exhibited nearby, for example, this statue’s face is a little longer, the eyes somewhat narrower, the brows a bit straighter, the nose slightly thicker, and the mouth less curved....

Statuette of a Woman

Made from the wood from a sycamore fig tree, this painted statuette of a woman dates from the 18th Dynasty, c. 1427-1353 B.C. The woman depicted wears a beautiful linen white gown that is sleeveless on one side. This style of fashion was seemingly popular among the elite and royalty of the time, as we...

Bust of a Priest

This limestone bust depicts a priest in a cream-coloured tunic, and is believed to date from the Ptolemaic Period, 130-30 B.C. The facial details are sublimely realistic and show an older man with deep frown lines, a downturned mouth and almond eyes. The collar bone protruding and the jowls of the jawline and loosened skin...

Diorite Priest of Amun

This diorite statue of a Priest of Amun dates from the Late Period’s 30th Dynasty. The priest wears an Old Kingdom style wig, carved in the Late Period fashion. His body is polished to a smooth texture, and his facial features are typical of the Late Period and Ptolemaic age. Upon the back pillar of...

Amenemhat III Seated

Amenemhat III (Ancient Egyptian: Ỉmn-m-hꜣt meaning ‘Amun is in the forefront’), also known as Amenemhet III, was a king of Ancient Egypt and the sixth ruler of the Twelfth Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom. His father, Senwosret III, elevated him to the throne as co-regent, and he shared the throne as active king for twenty...

Prince Khuenra as a scribe

Prince Khuenra

Khuenre (Khuenra) was a fourth-dynasty Egyptian prince. He was the son of king Menkaure and his sister, Queen Khamerernebty II. He was the grandson of Khafre and Khamerernebty I, and the great-grandfather of Khufu, the monarch who erected the Great Pyramid of Giza. Furthermore, he worked as a secretary and held the title, “sole companion...

Figure of Taweret

Painted limestone statuette of Tawaret. This figurine was donated to a woman named Taweret by her mother. She has one arm bent and a lotus bud in her uplifted hand, a gesture rarely seen in depictions of women. The lotus bud could refer to Taweret’s youth. This unopened bloom is rarely found in statues. As...

Statue of Yuny

This statue of Chief Royal Scribe and Physician, Yuny was discovered at Asyut (Lykopolis) in 1913. The statue is made from limestone and dates from the reign of Seti I, 1294–1279 B.C. Yuny is portrayed kneeling, dressed in a nobleman’s robe, wig and sandals. His eyes and brows, which were originally created as inlays, have...

Head of a Royal

This small fragmentary head made from white limestone is clearly of the Amarna Period. During Akhenaten’s reign, royal portraiture witnessed significant changes., there are numerous sculptures of Akhenaten and his royal household which deviate from traditional depictions of the monarchy. Akhenaten is sometimes shown what some deem “androgynous” and highly stylized, with huge thighs, a...

Silver seated falcon

This is a solid-cast silver statuette of a falcon headed deity with a plaited wig inlaid with lapis lazuli. The figure almost definitely would have been used as a cult statue and was originally covered in sheet gold, some of which still remains. Hieroglyphic texts and temple reliefs show that the ancient Egyptians included divine...