
Caesar’s Egypt

The arrival of Julius Caesar in Egypt in 48 B.C. marked a turning point in the history of the ancient world, intertwining Rome’s fate with that of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. His involvement was not merely a matter of conquest but of political intrigue, romance, and a struggle for supremacy that would shape the future of...

Mummy of Herakleides

Herakleides lived during the time when Egypt was under Roman rule, which followed after the fall of the Ptolemaic period. His name, “Herakleides, son of Thermos” is inscribed on his mummy shroud. Herakleides was mummified following traditional Egyptian practices but with Roman influences. His body was wrapped in a linen shroud painted red, symbolizing life...

Marble Bust of Antinoüs-Osiris

Antinoüs (Antinous. Antinoös. Greek: Ἀντίνοος) was a Greek youth, born in Claudiopolis (present day Bolu, Turkey), in the Roman province of Bithynia et Pontus. By 128 A.D., he had become the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s favourite and lover. Little is known about Antinoüs other than his connection to Hadrian, however, he became a legend after his...

Mummy Portrait of a Woman

Mummy Portrait of a Woman

Through the veil of time, a woman’s gaze meets ours—serene, knowing, eternal. This is a woman, whose memory lingers upon the fragile remnants of her cartonnage, linen-wrapped shell that once cradled her in death. Hers is a face preserved in the exquisite art of the Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait, a testament to both beauty and remembrance....

Goddess Nut on the sarcophagus of Soter

The goddess Nut is illustrated with a laden fruit tree behind her. Her hair is long and in tresses, and she is adorned with various jewels such as a chaplet, floral collar, and a necklace with pendants. Her arms are decorated with golden bracelets in the form of snakes. A vertical register of hieroglyphs with...

Mummy mask of a woman

Mummy mask of a woman

This mask depicts a woman as if lying flat on her bier. She is adorned with a long, Egyptian-style wig crafted from plant fibres, a deep-red tunic featuring black clavi (stripes), and jewellery that includes a lunula (crescent-shaped pendant) and snake bracelets. Two holes at the lower edge of the tunic allowed the mask to...

gold medallion of Caracalla

Gold medallion of Caracalla

This gold medallion of the Roman Emperor Caracalla, was found in Abu Qir, Egypt, and dates from, c. 215-243 A.D. It is one of 20 medallions found within a hoard in Abu Qir, Egypt. One of the medallion’s is marked with “Olympic Games of the year 274”, which could mean that these were medallions given...

Portrait of a woman, from Faiyum

Portrait of a woman, from Faiyum

The portrait was found by the archaeologist Albert Gayet during the excavation campaign of 1904 or 1905 at the necropolis of Antinoopolis in Middle Egypt. It entered the Louvre’s collections in 1905. A fragment of the right side of the board has been reglued. The paint has worn away on the nose, leaving a dark...

Pair of Socks

Pair of Socks

This pair of socks were made in the 4th to 5th century, and were excavated in Egypt at the end of the 19th century. They have a divided toe and are designed to be worn with sandals. The technique used for making these socks are commonly confused with knitting. They were made in the technique...

Roman funeral shroud of a woman

Roman funeral shroud of a woman

In this beautiful Roman funeral shroud, the woman’s rosy face and large eyes are striking. A long bone or ivory pin holds coils of her hair in place on top of her head, and she holds a small wreath in one hand. Over her abdomen Isis and Nephthys mourn, and over her lower body are...