
Relief of Ramesses II

This limestone relief, depicting king Ramesses II, is rich in colour despite being just a fragmentary remnant. The king is adorned in yellow, representing glistening gold. The style of portraiture tells us this piece was likely made early within his reign, possibly somewhere between the first two years, as it’s very similar to works created...

Weeping cow

A weeping cow is milked by a man. A calf is investigating a ribbon or some kind of rope around its mother’s leg.This scene is depicted upon the sarcophagus of Kawit, queen consort of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II. Discovered within her tomb (DBXI.9) at Deir el-Bahari.Middle Kingdom 11th Dynasty c. 2061-2010 B.C.Now in the Egyptian Museum,...

Lady Wadjkaues

Lady Wadjkaues

This relief fragment was found in Deir el-Bersha, Egypt and depicts Lady Wadjkaues, mother of Sep and wife of the nomarch, sat before an offering of food. She has an Egyptian blue lotus flower held to her nose. Lady Wadjkaues is depicted in the typical style of her time with a slender physique, yellow skin,...

Relief of Mentuemhat as a priest. Cleveland Museum of Art. 1949.492

Relief of Mentuemhat as Priest with Staff and Scepter

Relief of Mentuemhat in his robes as a priest of Amun and carrying the wand used to consecrate food offerings to the god. Raised relief in the style of his time, but showing some influence of Middle Kingdom work. Mentuemhat is one of the most recognizable nonroyal names from ancient Egypt. He was a rich...

Relief of Two princesses

Two princesses

This talatat depicts two princesses of king Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti. Their youth is represented by the hairstyle Egyptologist’s have dubbed the ‘side lock of youth’, a plaited strand or strands of hair on an otherwise shaven head or short hairstyle. This piece was found among the foundations of the Pylon of Ramesses II...

Relief of Mentuhotep II

Relief of Mentuhotep II

King Mentuhotep II being embraced by the falcon-god of war Montu (no longer visible) Middle Kingdom, 11th Dynasty, c. 2055-2004 B.C. Temple of Mentuhotep, Deir el-Bahari. Limestone relief of Mentuhotep II: this section of raised relief shows Mentuhotep II, wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt, embraced by the god Montu. Montu embraces the king...

Relief of Sobek

Relief of Sobek

Detail of a bas relief depicting the crocodile headed god Sobek at Temple of Kom Ombo. Sobek was associated with the Nile River and was often depicted as a powerful and fearsome deity with the head of a crocodile and the body of a human. He was believed to have control over the waters and...

Sandstone sunken relief of an Amarna woman

Relief of an Amarna Woman

This sandstone sunken relief of a woman dates from the Amarna Period, and it is easy to tell the era she is from due to the style in which she is depicted. The artistic manner is most definitely from the period of Akhenaten’s experimental reign, however, this piece was actually found in Thebes and not...

Parennefer receiving reward in the form of necklaces, from king Akhenaten and Great Royal Wife Nefertiti.

Relief of Parennefer

Parennefer was a close advisor to Prince Amenhotep IV (King Akhenaten), before he became king. Once Amenhotep IV, or rather, King Akhenaten, took the throne, Parennefer served as his personal Royal Butler, and worked closely as a confidant to the king. In the age of Akhenaten, it was Akhenaten who was the representation of Ma’at...

A battle scene depicting Asiatic bearded men being trampled under the horses that pull the Egyptian royal chariot.

Asiatic enemies trampled

A battle scene depicting Asiatic bearded men (West Asia/Eastern Mediterranean) being trampled under the horses that pull the Egyptian royal chariot. This block with a fragmented scene was discovered (MMA excavations, 1912–13) within the Temple of Ramesses IV, among the foundation where it was being reused as a foundational block. Some Egyptologists dated this piece...