
Relief of Mourning Women

Relief of Mourning Women

Fragment of limestone raised relief with remains of original paint, representing three mourning women. They stand, facing left, each holding the flaps of their dress in one hand and beating their breast with the other. Surviving paint is concentrated in the areas of their upper and middle bodies. Some blackish and brownish patches over surface....

Hairdressing Scene

These limestone fragments were originally part of a scene in which royal hairdressers attended Queen Neferu. The relief on the right represents Neferu, referred to as “The King’s Wife,” wearing a magnificent beaded usekh collar. Behind her, Henut, the hairdresser, has already pinned one strand of hair and twisted another. The relief on the left...

Fragment of a Queen

This white limestone relief fragment shows an unidentified queen clutching a thick usekh collar in her raised left hand. Dressed in a translucent pleated garment with a headdress ornamented with a double uraei, cow horns, double plume and sun disc in the centre, the queen has divine status. The plumes are streaked with blue, brown,...

Nefertiti in Nubian wig

This sandstone fragmented relief depicts Nefertiti wearing the so-called “Nubian wig” with uraeus. Blue pigment of the headdress remains in places, as with the reddish of Nefertiti’s skin. The profile is instantly recognizable with the famous bust of the queen and is delicately carved with a swan like neck, accompanied by a profile carving of...


Kemsit was an ancient Egyptian queen consort and the wife of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty. Her titles included “King’s Beloved Wife” (ḥmt-nỉswt mrỉỉ.t=f), “King’s Ornament” (ẖkr.t-nỉswt), “King’s Sole Ornament” (ẖkr.t-nỉswt wˁtỉ.t), and “Priestess of Hathor”. Her tomb (TT308) and modest ornate chapel were discovered in her husband’s Deir el-Bahari temple complex, behind...

Pet Monkey

Pet Monkey

A pet monkey under the chair of Maia, wife of the dignitary Rij, as seen upon the north-wall of the antechapel within Rij’s tomb. New Kingdom, Late 18th Dynasty-Early 19th Dynasty, c. 1550–1186 B.C. Tomb of Rij, Saqqara.
Now at Neues Museum, Berlin. ÄM 7278

Relief of Queen Tiye

This sandstone fragment depicts the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III, Queen Tiye. She wears the vulture headdress, and double plum (also known as the shuti, a two-feather adornment for crowns). Discovered at Kom el-Hettân, also known as the remnants of the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III, the famous location of the legendary Colossi of...

Temple lintel of King Amenemhat III

Temple lintel of King Amenemhat III

Royal temple lintel of Amenemhat III: a rectangular limestone raised relief from a temple door lintel. The text is arranged symmetrically, with the central cartouche placed over the axis of the doorway. The text cannot be deciphered into a single sentence, since the elements are arranged according to heraldic rather than linguistic principles. In the...

Panel of Rahotep

Panel of Rahotep

From the Mastaba of Rahotep and his wife Nofret at Beni Suef, this limestone panel depicts Prince Rahotep sat on a bull-legged chair before an offering table. Traditional offering formula is written above the table in hieroglyphs. Upon the offering table, 8 half loaves of bread have been placed. Rahotep wears a short round cropped...

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian, depicted in the Temple of Beit el-Wali; a rock-cut temple the king had built in the Nubian region for seemingly propagandist reasoning. The temple was dedicated to the deities; Ra-Horakhty, Amun-Ra, Anuket and Khnum (feminine & masculine Nile deities). The Temple of Beit el-Wali was relocated to higher ground in...