
A Syrian man carved into a schist statue base

This fragment of a statue base shows a Syrian man’s head and shoulders. He wears a fringed robe embroidered with rosettes and has long hair and a headband. He also has a beard and a moustache, something that Syrians were usually depicted with. The man’s complete figure was positioned flat on his belly, his back...


Paneb was a chief of the Theban workers of Deir el-Medina, who is infamous for the numerous allegations against him including; debauchery, bribery, theft (including royal stone and objects from tombs), sexual assault and violence. The Papyrus Salt 124 (also known as the British Museum Papyrus 10055) (Museum number EA10055) presents the numerous charges against...

Ushabti for Lady Anhai

Ushabti for Lady Anhai

An Egyptian wood painted ushabti for lady Anhai, the chantress of Amun. There is a scene in the Book of the Dead where Anubis is found weighing the heart of a priestess named lady Anhai. The image is striking because it shows the young Anhai as she is being led to the afterworld even though...

Inherkhau and son Kenna

Inherkhau and son Kenna

This colourful fragment comes from the tomb of the foreman Inherkhau (TT359), at Deir el-Medina. Inherkhau held the title, “Foreman of the Lord of the Two Lands in the Place of Truth“, and worked under the reigns of king Ramesses III and Ramesses IV. The piece shows Inherkhau alongside his son Kenna. Kenna is noticed...

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

Blue glazed ushabti of Seti I

This head of a ushabti represents king Seti I of Ancient Egypt’s 19th Dynasty, c. 1294-1279 B.C and was discovered within the king’s tomb. The head measures at 5.77cm tall and 7.75cm wide. A composition of blue glaze, this head of Seti I showcases the king wearing the Ancient Egyptian “nemes” stripped royal headdress. The...

Amennakht (the Scribe of the Place of Truth) offering praises and tribute before the goddess Meretseger

Amennakht before Meretseger

The Scribe of the Place of Truth, Amennakht (New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, c. 1170 B.C.) kneels before the goddess Meretseger, “She who loves silence”. Amennakht, is in praise of Meretseger who sits before him on a throne of red, blue and orange. She is wearing a red dress and a cuff on her upper left...

Subdued Enemies. A black Sub Saharan man and an Assyrian man kneel, subdued by the king of Egypt.

Subdued Enemies

Glazed faïence inlays from palace of Ramesses III, depicting subdued enemies of Egypt; Sub Saharan African and Assyrian men kneel. The decorative inlays are considered of significant historical and ethnographical interest, given the representation of neighbouring populations. Tiles with coloured inlaid glazed faience were very popular for decorating the walls of palaces. In the palace...

Ramesside head of a Noble Woman

Ramesside head of a Noble Woman

This beautifully painted limestone head of a woman came from a tomb chapel niche dating from the Ramesside era, c. 1250–1070 B.C., 19th-20th Dynasty. Not a singular statue, this Noblewoman would have been accompanying her husband, this statue would have represented the pair at their best; see her elaborate wig, lotus adorned headband and perfect...

Ostracon with fighting bulls

Ostracon with fighting bulls

This ostracon is a dynamic depiction of two fighting bulls. The powerful motion is portrayed through their bodies, with the back legs of the charging bull pushing forward and head lowered to topple the other bull with its horns. Note the artist’s skillful use of color and pattering to add detail. Ostraca (plural for ostracon)...

Statue of Yuny and his wife Renenutet. Met Museum. 15.2.1

Statue of Yuny and Renenutet

“May everything that comes forth upon the offering table of [the god] . . . and all pure food that comes forth from the Great Enclosure [the temple complex at Heliopolis] be for the chief scribe, royal scribe of letters, Yuny, justified.” Yuny was a Chief Royal Scribe and Physician during the reign of king...