Ramesses II


Ipuy was a sculptor and artist who worked during the reign of Ramesses II. His tomb (TT217) is located on the upper terrace of the western cemetery at Deir el-Medina, which was the burial site for the workers, craftsmen, and officials who lived in the Worker’s Village of Deir el-Medina. The Egyptian artistic profession, particularly...

Princes on Chariots

The Sons of the King in their Chariots at the Battle of Kadesh New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, reign of Ramesses II, c. 1264–1244 B.C. Scene from Abu Simbel. Facsimile by Egyptologist Ippolito Rosellini (1800-1843), “I Monumenti dell’Egitto e della Nubia“, first published in 1832. This facsimile of princes on chariots documents an image from within...

Cleopatra’s Needle

Despite its name, the obelisk was not from the reign of Cleopatra VII, but was originally erected by Thutmose III in the city of Heliopolis and later usurped and inscribed by Ramesses II. The obelisk was moved in 12 B.C. to Alexandria, where it remained for over 1,800 years. It is made of Aswan granite....

Ashkelon besieged by Ramesses II

Ashkelon besieged by Ramesses II

Referred to as Asqanu in Egyptian texts and among the cities revolting against Ramesses II. Scenes of the battle for Ashkelon (including the one shown here) are shown on the walls of Ramesses’ temple at Karnak. The scene shows many activities taking place at once. The army of Ashkelon is being defeated in the center,...

Ramesses II and Offering Table

Ramesses II and Offering Table

This limestone statue, which stands at 171cm tall, depicts the 19th Dynasty king, Ramesses II, knelt before a hes-vase shaped offering platform, whilst the king himself holds an offering tray. The bottom has been restored onto a modern platform, but the rest of the statue is in remarkable condition. Ramesses II can be seen wearing...

Amenhotep I or Ramesses II wearing the Khepresh

This striding statuette of a New Kingdom king, depicts the king in a kilt (shendyt) adorned with an elaborate belt, a usekh collar around his neck, and most notably, the “Blue Crown of War”, known to the Egyptians as the “Khepresh” upon his head, which is given a realistic glisten by the addition of rounded...

Ramesses II from Group Statue

This statue of Ramesses II is made from Aswan Granite or peridotite, and would have once been a part of a triad or group statue, depicting the king with deities. Ramesses belt buckle is inscribed with his throne name, “User-Maat-Re Setep-en-Re”. Ramesses II was the third ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Along with Thutmose III...

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian

Ramesses II smiting a Nubian, depicted in the Temple of Beit el-Wali; a rock-cut temple the king had built in the Nubian region for seemingly propagandist reasoning. The temple was dedicated to the deities; Ra-Horakhty, Amun-Ra, Anuket and Khnum (feminine & masculine Nile deities). The Temple of Beit el-Wali was relocated to higher ground in...

Relief of Ramesses II

This limestone relief, depicting king Ramesses II, is rich in colour despite being just a fragmentary remnant. The king is adorned in yellow, representing glistening gold. The style of portraiture tells us this piece was likely made early within his reign, possibly somewhere between the first two years, as it’s very similar to works created...

Ostracon of a king with a stubbled beard. Walters Art Museum. 32.1

King with a stubbled beard

The ostracon of Seti I is quite a rarity to behold, as a stubbled faced king is a rather peculiar sight in Ancient Egyptian art. Historians suggest the beard is a sign of mourning, growing out a beard is still common practices for mourning in varied cultures around the world until this very day. French...