
Pyramidion of Amenhotep (Huy)

Pyramidion of Amenhotep (Huy)

Pyramidion of the royal scribe Amenhotep Huy during the reign of Ramesses II, 1279-1213 BC. From Saqqara necropolis. True pyramids (at least the larger ones), as opposed to step pyramids in Egypt were topped by a special stone called a pyramidion, or sometimes a capstone, which was itself a miniature pyramid. It brought the pyramid...

Pyramidion of Iufaa

Pyramidion of Iufaa

This steep-sided pyramidion is inscribed for Iufaa, a priest of Osiris, ruler of the Netherworld, at his sacred site of Abydos, and originally would have surmounted a memorial chapel at this site. It is decorated on all four faces, with almost identical images on each pair of opposing sides. An inscription at the top of...

Pyramidion of King Amenemhat III

Pyramidion of Amenemhat III

The basalt pyramidion of Amenemhet III was found from his pyramid toppled from the peak of its structure and preserved relatively intact. Under a winged sun-disk are hieroglyphic texts offering the king access to the sun-god. Very few pyramidia or capstones have survived into modern times. Most of those that remain are made of polished...

Pyramidion of Ramose

Pyramidion of Ramose

The limestone Pyramidion of Ramose, from the top of the tomb of the ‘Necropolis Scribe’. Scenes on all four sides depict the worship of the sun. Ramose of the 19th dynasty was an ancient Egyptian noble and high-ranking official during the reign of kings Seti I and Ramesses II. Ramose served as a vizier, which...