
Coffin of Besenmut, Priest of Montu at Thebes. British Museum. EA22940

Besenmut, Priest of Montu at Thebes

This is the anthropoid wooden coffin of a man called Besenmut, who was a Priest of Montu at the Theban Temple. Dating from the 26th Dynasty, c. 664-525 B.C. also known as the Sais Dynasty or Saite Period, which was the last true Native Egyptian ruling Dynasty of the Ancient Egyptian empire before the later conquests of the Persian and Greeks, which eventually led to the collapse of Ancient Egypt under Roman rule.

Head of a Middle Kingdom Dignitary or Priest. Met Museum. 02.4.191

Head of a Middle Kingdom Dignitary or Priest

This head was originally part of a colossal (larger than life) statue of a dignitary or priest, dating from approximately 1700–1600 B.C., making it a Middle Kingdom or Early Second Intermediate piece. It is not known if he was seated or standing. Now at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, this statue was...

Relief of Mentuemhat as a priest. Cleveland Museum of Art. 1949.492

Relief of Mentuemhat as Priest with Staff and Scepter

Relief of Mentuemhat in his robes as a priest of Amun and carrying the wand used to consecrate food offerings to the god. Raised relief in the style of his time, but showing some influence of Middle Kingdom work. Mentuemhat is one of the most recognizable nonroyal names from ancient Egypt. He was a rich...

Statuettes of Amenhotep and Rannai

Wooden statuettes of Amenhotep and Rannai

This pair of statuettes are of the Theban priest Amenhotep and his wife Rannai, who was a Singer of Amun at the Theban Temple.Made of precious black ebony wood (Egyptian: hbny), these figures stand 44 and 33 cm high, with glass inlay and gold trim. The couple both stand in the famous striding pose with...

Priest Sepa and his wife Nesa

Priest Sepa and his wife Nesa

Sepa was a priest who lived during the 3rd Dynasty of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom (c. 2700-2620 B.C.) With titles such as, “Responsible for Royal Matters”, “Greatest of the ten of Upper Egypt”, “Priest of the god Kherty” and “Herdsman of the White Bull”, Sepa was clearly a man of status and importance within society,...

The Bersha Procession

The Bersha Procession

“The Bersha Procession”, one of 100 wooden models from the tomb of Djehutynakht. This model shows the funerary procession, with offerings of tribute for the deceased. Three women with offerings of food and drink are led by a Priest carrying a wine jug and incense burner. The skill and delicacy with which it was carved...

Calcite figures of two men on stepped red plynths. Tomb of Idy.

Tomb of Idy

Idy was an Egyptian man who lived and died within the 6th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom, c. 2345-2181 B.C. He was a nomarch (provincial governor of the varied nomes of Egypt, similar to a local administrator or perhaps a modern local councillor or possibly mayor type figure). He held titles such as Royal...

Is this the head of Meryrahashetef?

Statue of Meryrahashetef, c. 2345-2181 B.C.

Sir Flinders Petrie discovered this human head of a man, resting upon a head rest in Sidmant el-Gebel within the Tomb of Meryrahashetef (?). Petrie identified the mummy as the Old Kingdom, “Keeper of the Palace Garden” and “Lector Priest”, Meryrahashetef of the 6th Dynasty. A wooden statue of Meryrahashetef, which has been carved from...

Statue of Ramessesnakht holding the Theban Triad

Statue of Ramessesnakht and the Theban Triad

Ramessesnakht is donating a statue of the Theban family, Amun is seated in the middle of the little group wearing tall feathers on his flat topped crown, to his left his wife the goddess Mut with a special tall crown and their son Khonsu sitting at his father’s right. Ramessesnakht served as High Priest of...

Sarcophagus of Pa-nehem-isis

Sarcophagus of Pa-nehem-isis

The sarcophagus of the priest Pa-nehem-isis [Pnehmêse] is a remarkable example from the Ptolemaic Period, with its large face and its profusion of inscriptions and images, covering the whole surface. The figures have been carved in the hard stone with great precision. The deceased is wearing the tripartite wig and a broad collar. No other...