
Block statue of the priest Horwedjau

This quartzite statue represents the priest Horwedjau, its surface adorned with an inscription that entreats the priests of the Temple at Coptos (Koptos) to offer invocations during various festivals, ensuring the well-being of his Ka. Though the statue’s head is missing, and its feet and base have been restored, its form—a block statue—remains significant. This...

Statue of Anen

Anen, also known as Aanen, was an ancient Egyptian nobleman and official during the Eighteenth Dynasty, specifically under the reign of his brother-in-law, Pharaoh Amenhotep III. He held significant roles such as the Chancellor of Lower Egypt, Second of the Four Prophets of Amun, sem-priest of Heliopolis, and was also known as the Greatest of...

Head of a priest (The Boston Green Head)

Head of a priest (The Boston Green Head)

This head of a priest, called the Boston Green Head, is the best portrait sculpture known from the Late Period. The face is wonderfully lifelike and individual. Light wavy lines indicate the furrows of his brow, and crow’s feet radiate from the outer corners of his eyes. The top of his nose has a pronounced...

Bust of a Priest

This limestone bust depicts a priest in a cream-coloured tunic, and is believed to date from the Ptolemaic Period, 130-30 B.C. The facial details are sublimely realistic and show an older man with deep frown lines, a downturned mouth and almond eyes. The collar bone protruding and the jowls of the jawline and loosened skin...

Diorite Priest of Amun

This diorite statue of a Priest of Amun dates from the Late Period’s 30th Dynasty. The priest wears an Old Kingdom style wig, carved in the Late Period fashion. His body is polished to a smooth texture, and his facial features are typical of the Late Period and Ptolemaic age. Upon the back pillar of...

Statue of Irukakhufu as a scribe

Irukakhufu was an Old Kingdom man who held many titles including, “Royal Acquaintance“, “(Royal) Wab-Priest” and “Overseer of the Pyramid-town of Khufu“. Discovered within the serdab of tomb at the Western Cemetery in Giza, known as Lepsius 21, the statue depicts a man in scribe form, who is believed to be Irukakhufu. Two large offering...

Priests of Isis perform a water ritual

White-robed priests of Isis perform a water ritual as chanting devotees line the steps of the goddess’s temple in this wall painting from Herculaneum. Herculaneum was an ancient Roman town, located in the modern-day commune of Ercolano, Campania, Italy. Herculaneum was buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79...

Mummy of Nesmin

Mummy of Nesmin

This mummy belongs to a man called Nesmin; his name means “The One Who Belongs to (the god) Min.” He was a priest for Min in Akhmim, and from the inscription on his coffin, it is known that his father Djedhor was a priest as well, and that his mother Tadiaset was a musician for...

Block Statue of Harsomtusemhat

Block Statue of Harsomtusemhat

Sistrophorus block statue, showing Harsomtusemhat sitting on a socle, with his legs grouped and the hands on his knees. Before the arms and between the legs, the man is holding the sesheshet sistrum, with the face of the goddess Hathor and the monumental gate in raised relief. This statue was meant to be placed inside...

Statue of Hetepdief

Statue of Hetepdief

The statue of Hetepdief is one of the earliest examples of private statuary, and more importantly, it is yet the first ancient Egyptian statue shown kneeling in the attitude of prayer while maintaining its conformity with ancient Egyptian artistic conventions. On his right shoulder can be seen the Horus names of three 2nd Dynasty Kings...