
Figure Vessel

This fragment of a clay jug with the head of a smiling woman, would have been used as a pouring vessel, and was typical of the style of the 18th Dynasty, c. 1479–1352 B.C. It is thought such vessels would have been associated with motherhood, midwifery in particular. Usually, such vessels would be carved in...

Pottery fragments, once in the form of a woman holding a basket

Pottery fragments

Pottery fragments, once in the form of a woman holding a basket. Pottery from ancient Egypt are valuable archaeological artifacts that provide insights into the daily life, culture, and craftsmanship of the ancient Egyptians. These fragments can come from various types of pottery vessels, such as bowls, jars, and amphorae, and they can be decorated...

King Narmer Jar

King Narmer Jar

An Egyptian pottery wavy-handled jar inscribed for king Narmer. Formed of Nile alluvial clay, the surface ranging in color from light reddish-brown to beige-cream, of elongated ovoid form, on a slightly convex base, with rounded shoulders and an overhanging rim. The shoulders with triple-arching wavy handles, with a three-character inscription incised below one of the...

Double Jar in the shape of human breasts

Jar in the shape of human breasts

Polished red ware double pottery jar in the shape of human breasts: handmade, with a turned rim. There is a dark red slip on the exterior and inside the rim, and it is burnished vertically. The jar is of an unusual shape with two lobes dependent on a single neck. Death was believed to be...

Model of a Soul House

Model of a Soul House

This model from Rifah of the “Soul House” type represents a house with a three-columned portico behind a walled courtyard; in front of the courtyard a libation spout is partly preserved. A stairway on the right gives access to the roof of the house, where an arched opening represents a feature in actual houses through...

Naqada Jar with Painted Decoration

Naqada Jar with Painted Decoration

This Naqada jar is an artifact from Predynastic Period, the earliest period in Egyptian history. The pot was created during what is known as the Naqada II period (3500-3200 BC), long before the pyramids were built. This pot was probably made without use of a pottery wheel. The potter most likely pressed the damp clay...

Model Ship with Figurine in a Fetal Position

Model Boat with Figurine in a Fetal Position

An early example from Predynastic Egypt, is a ceramic model of a boat with a man in a fetal position, sailing to the afterlife where he will be reborn. Belief in a physical afterlife endured for thousands of years. This totemic item from predynastic Egypt shows the deceased curled up in the fetal position in...

Bowl with crocodiles

Bowl with crocodiles

This flared bowl with crocodiles and a flattened rim is typical of the pottery production of the early Predynastic Period. Generally characterized by the red coloring of the surfaces, decoration consists of geometric motifs or stylized plants or animals rendered by means of rapid brushstrokes in white paint. On the outside of this particular vessel,...