
Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

Gold Statuette of Amun-Re

In this gold statuette, Amun-Re stands in the traditional pose with the left leg forward. He is identified by his characteristic flat-topped crown, which originally supported two tall gold feathers, now missing. He wears the gods’ braided beard with a curled tip and carries an ankh emblem in his left hand and a scimitar across...

Winged Scarab Pendant of King Tutankhamun. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 61884

Winged Scarab Pendant of Tutankhamun

This winged scarab pendant of cloisonné technique is inlaid with semiprecious stones and colored glass. The central element of the pendant is a scarab of Libyan desert glass, grasping on one side a lotus and on the other a papyrus flower, flanked by two uraei, or rearing cobras. A gold frame outlines the main composition...

Gold Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

Jewelry of Princess Khenmet

These items of jewelry belonging to Princess Khenmet are made with the decorative cloisonné technique of applied gold threads and tiny beads that was very popular outside Egypt, particularly in Syria and the area of the Aegean. The first chain has a pendant of a spotted heifer in a round border in blue enamel. This...

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of Tutankhamun with Werethekau

Pendant of goddess Werethekau with plumed and horned head-dress and snake body, suckling a standing figure of King Tutankhamun. Made of heavy plate gold on two large suspension rings at back, just below head-dress. “The cobra with woman’s head sometimes wears the low crown also associated with Isis, but on other occasions the Double Crown...