
Pectoral of King Tutankhamun between Ptah and Sekhmet

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Ptah and Sekhmet

A necklace with an open work pectoral ornament of Tutankhamun between Ptah and his consort Sekhmet, inlaid in semi-relief after cloisonné fashion. In the center, with black face, stands the king between the seated god Ptah and goddess Sekhmet. Between is the solar uraeus and the emblem of “Eternal Years”; behind Sekhmet is the king’s...

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Falcon Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Pectoral jewel of Tutankhamun depicting Horus in the form of a falcon with outspread wings around the sun disk, holding shen rings, the symbols of eternal protection in his claws. The pectoral is a symbol of protection and divine power, and it showcases the exquisite craftsmanship and wealth of the New Kingdom period in ancient...

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I

This inlaid pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I is in the shape of a shrine. Its base is decorated with wavy lines in reference to the primeval water. It is protected by two falcons. In the center of a boat, King Ahmose I is shown with the gods Re and Amun. The two gods are pouring...

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Winged Scarab

Pectoral of Tutankhamun with Winged Scarab

In this exquisite pectoral, a winged large scarab beetle riding on a sacred barque flanked by the goddesses Isis and Nephthys with their arms outstretched as a sign of protection. The scarab serves a double function: as a heart scarab and as the ba of the sun god lighting the way to the underworld. The pectoral...

Pectoral of King Amenemhat III

Pectoral of Amenemhat III

A 12th dynasty Egyptian Middle Kingdom pectoral belonging to princess Mereret, the daughter of king Senusret III and sister of king Amenemhat III. The pectoral shows the cartouche or royal name of king Amenemhat III and depicts this king triumphantly defeating his enemies. “The king himself appears on either side in a stance familiar to...

Pectoral of King Amenemope

Pectoral of King Amenemope

The central feature of this pectoral is a lapis lazuli scarab pushing the sun-disc with its front legs, while the rear legs hold the cartouche of King Amenemope. To either side, the goddesses Isis and Nephthys protect him. At the bottom of the pectoral an inscription provides the name of the king. The frame of the...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

This pectoral of king Shoshenq II, a large piece of jewelry worn on the chest, is in the form of a naos, or inner temple. It is topped by a decorative band with the winged sun disk. The main scene is of openwork design and shows the winged scarab Khepri. The scarab is below another...

Wadjet Eye Pectoral of King Tutankhamun

Wadjet Eye Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This wadjet eye pectoral was found on the mummy of the king Tutankhamun, symbol of the entity of the body. The cobra goddess Wadjet wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt “Deshret”, while the vulture goddess Nekhbet wearing the White Crown of the Upper Egypt “Hedjet”. Howard Carter believed that this pectoral was a piece...

Necklace of Tutankhamun with Lunar Pectoral

Necklace of Tutankhamun with Lunar Pectoral

This necklace was discovered in a cartouche-shaped box that was found on the floor of the treasury and likely worn during Tutankhamun’s life. Pectorals attached to necklaces and decorated with figures of deities and the symbols that were associated with them formed a high proportion of the jewelry found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. In this example...

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

Tutankhamun Pectoral with the Sky Goddess Nut

This pectoral was found in the chapel of Anubis within the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62); it shows the goddess Nut in human form with her wings and arms outstretched, protecting the cartouches of Tutankhamun. Below her wings can be seen eight rows of hieroglyphs, again related to protection by the gods. The pectoral is surmounted...