
Eye of Re Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Eye of Re Pectoral of Tutankhamun

The Eye of Re Pectoral is associated with ancient Egyptian symbolism, where the Eye of Re represents protection, royal power, and divine authority, often depicted with a rearing cobra, symbolizing the violent aspect that defends against chaos. The necklace, on which this pectoral was suspended in the layer of amulets nearest to the king’s mummy,...

Vulture Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This vulture pectoral of Tutankhamun is a stunning piece of ancient Egyptian jewelry that was found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun. This pectoral, or chest ornament prominently features the goddess Nekhbet, the patroness of Upper Egypt. The vulture pectoral was found in a box within the treasury. It is unusual in that,...

Pectoral of Psusennes I

Pectoral of Psusennes I

The pectoral of Psusennes I is framed by alternating precious stones, topped by a cavetto cornice, and with a row of alternating djed pillar and tit (Isis knot) symbols at the bottom, below a row of sun-discs. A winged scarab can be seen in the middle, and a cartouche of the king above and below,...

Pectoral bearing the name of Ramesses II

Pectoral bearing the name of Ramesses II

The pectoral bearing the throne name of Ramesses II written in a cartouche above what is already a dense composition. Two djed pillars fill in the lower corners of the rectangular frame; they symbolize stability and the rebirth of Osiris. Nekhbet and Wadjet, goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt, stand side by side within the...

Pectoral with an Opposing Seth Animal and Hieracosphinx

Pectoral of Opposing Seth and Hieracosphinx

On the right of this pectoral is the god Seth, who can signify southern Egypt, while on the left is a hieracosphinx representing Horus, a deity here related to northern Egypt. At the center is a symbol representing the goddess Hathor, imagery that was already ancient by the Middle Kingdom. The beautifully worked back of...

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

Pectoral of Shoshenq II

The pectoral of king Shoshenq II displays two falcons at its top, each wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. They are sitting upon the hieroglyphic symbol for sky, which is adorned with stars. Below, resting upon a boat, can be seen a lapis lazuli sun-disc, with an image of the enthroned...

Winged Scarab Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

Pectoral with the Throne Name of Tutankhamun

This is a masterpiece of pectoral from the collection of Tutankhamun. It is a pectoral decorated in a complex way: the central part of the pectoral which represents the throne name (or prenomen) of the king, Nebkheperure, consists in the middle of a large lapis lazuli scarab. Below it is the hieroglyphic sign “neb”, which...

Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

Winged Scarab Pectoral of Tutankhamun

This beautiful winged scarab pectoral illustrates the throne name of King Tutankhamun, “Neb- khepreu-re.” The central element is the scarab “Khepri” made of a fine piece of lapis lazuli, and three strokes of plural “sign in hieroglyphs” below it. Between the forelegs of the scarab, the risen sun disk “Re” is depicted. The pectoral is...

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

This necklace with a pectoral had once adorned the figure of Princess Mereret, the daughter of King Senusret III and sister of his successor Amenemhat III. It bears a cartouche containing the coronation name of Amenemhat III as decoration. Represented as two falcon-headed sphinxes, the king smites his enemies. Above, the vulture-goddess, Nekhbet, is shown...

Pectoral of Sithathoriunet

Pectoral and Necklace of Princess Sithathoriunet

The pectoral of of Sithathoriunet is composed around the throne name of King Senusret II. It was found among the jewelry of Princess Sithathoriunet in a special niche of her underground tomb beside the pyramid of Senusret II at Lahun. Hieroglyphic signs make up the design, and the whole may be read: “The god of...