
Nubians bringing tribute

Nubians bringing tribute

The first man carries rings of gold, while the second man carries an Ebony log upon his shoulder and a giraffe’s tail in his other hand. The third man has a monkey perched upon his shoulder as he carries a bowl filled with chunks of jasper and a leopard skin. Nubians offering tribute of gold...

Meryt wife of the Mayor of Thebes Sennefer

Meryt, wife of the “Mayor of the Southern City (Thebes)”, Sennefer, as depicted within his tomb, TT96 (“Tomb of the Vineyards”).New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep II, c.1439-1413 B.C.Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Theban Necropolis.

Portrait of a woman, from Faiyum

Portrait of a woman, from Faiyum

The portrait was found by the archaeologist Albert Gayet during the excavation campaign of 1904 or 1905 at the necropolis of Antinoopolis in Middle Egypt. It entered the Louvre’s collections in 1905. A fragment of the right side of the board has been reglued. The paint has worn away on the nose, leaving a dark...

Nubian dancing girl

Nubian dancing girl

A wall painting of a Nubian dancing girl appears in the procession of tribute for king Thutmose IV (Tomb of Horemheb, TT78). This scene is depicted within the Tomb of Horemheb, not the later king with the same name, but an Official of King Thutmose IV. Horemheb held many titles, including; “Great Confidant of the...

Mummy board painting of two brothers from Faiyum. Egyptian, Roman Period c. 30 B.C. - 2nd Century A.D.

Mummy board painting of two brothers from Faiyum, c. 30 B.C. – 2nd Century A.D.

These mummy board painting of two brothers, commonly known as ‘Faiyum Portraits’ due to being found in the town of Faiyum, were realistic portraits placed over the mummified dead. It is thought that perhaps they show the deceased at their best, possibly even portraits hung in houses previously to death. However, that is not certified,...

Fragment of Wall Painting from the Tomb of the Dancers

Fragment of Painting from Tomb of the Dancers

In this fragment painting from the Tomb of the Dancers, the girls are performing to the accompaniment of of clapping and finger-snapping, under the supervision of two male overseers. The occasion is perhaps a festival dance in honor of Hathor, goddess of music and dancing and also protector of the tombs of Western Thebes. “The...

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony of Tutankhamun

This scene is unique in its nature. We never witnessed an heir or a successor performing the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony on the deceased King. The scene from the north wall of the burial chamber in the Tomb of Tutankhamun shows the brown “freckling” of the paintings that may have resulted...

Anubis before embalmed Amennakht

Anubis before embalmed Amennakht

A priest wearing the mask of Anubis completes the mummification of Amennakht. On both sides of the bed, where the mummy lie, is depicted the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. The damage on the wall, shows where the coffin was placed. Detail of a wall painting depicts Anubis before embalmed Amennakht, from Tomb of the Servant...

Wall Paintings in the Tomb of Queen Nefertari

Wall Paintings in the Tomb of Queen Nefertari

The image shows a wall paintings and ceiling within the burial chamber of the tomb of Queen Nefertari. The ceiling is painted with stars to represent the night sky. The tomb of Queen Nefertari in the Valley of the Queens at West Thebes, is one of the best preserved and most ornately decorated of all...

Litany of Re with Scenes of Anubis

Litany of Re with Scenes of Anubis

Besides the Litany of Re, we find the vignette of Chapter 151 of the Book of the Dead. It represents the mummification of the dead king under the protection of Anubis, Isis, Nephthys and the Four Sons of Horus. Detail on the ceiling in the Tomb of Siptah (KV47), Valley of the Kings, West Thebes....