New Kingdom

Dagger of Tutankhamun

Dagger of Tutankhamun

The iron dagger of Tutankhamun is closely correlates with meteoric composition, including homogeneity. Originally discovered in 1925 within the burial wrappings of the king by archaeologist Howard Carter, the iron dagger is of meteorite origin. Tutankhamun’s mummy was provided with two daggers encased in gold sheaths, one with an iron blade and the other with...

Gold Amulet of the God Nefertem

Gold Amulet of the God Nefertem

Gold amulet in the form of Nefertem or Nefertum, he is often defined as the god of perfumes but this association is secondary. He was, in fact, first and foremost, the young god of the lotus bud that emerged from the primordial waters, according to the Egyptian myth, and from which the sun was born....

Finger Ring of Throne Name of Tutankhamun, Nebkheperure

Finger Ring of Throne Name of Tutankhamun, Nebkheperure

The ring bears the throne name of Tutankhamun (“Nebkheperure”), whose spectacular tomb in the Valley of the Kings was discovered in 1922. Tutankhamun was raised in Akhenaten’s court at Amarna, yet his reign saw the reversal of Akhenaten’s revolution, including the return of the court to Thebes. The gold ring was found in an elaborate...

Bracelets of Seti II

Bracelets of Seti II

Two similar silver bracelets found in an anonymous tomb in the Valley of the Kings together with other items belonging to King Seti II and his consort, Queen Twosret . Each bracelet is composed of two parts joined by a hinge and a clasp. The main part is decorated with a scene that shows the...

Wooden Statue of Ptah

Wooden Statue of Ptah

This gilded statue depicts Ptah, the divine patron of craftsmen and artists and lord of creation at Memphis. Twenty-eight wooden statues of deities, wrapped in linen, were found in black-painted shrines. Their purpose was to protect the king during his journey in the underworld. The gilded statue of Ptah wears a robe, richly ornamented with...

Figure of Akhenaten Holding an Offering Table

Figure of Akhenaten Holding an Offering Table

This painted sandstone figure of king Akhenaten was found besides a slightly shorter statue of his beloved queen Nefertiti, and depicts them both in an “offering” stance. Although the forearm and hands are missing from this statue, it is evident from the pose and positioning of what remains of the arms, that this piece would...

Stele of the Vizier Ptahmose

Stele of the Vizier Ptahmose

This stele comes from the tomb (most probably in Thebes; its current location is unknown) of this well-known Vizier Ptahmose from the reign of Amenhotep III. The quality of the carving shows the level of perfection achieved by certain specialist workshops in Upper Egypt during this period. In the middle section is Ptahmose, sitting next...

Necklace of Fly Beads

Necklace of Gold flies

Gold and carnelian necklace composed of 29 hollow gold flies alternating with spherical carnelian beads and tubular gold foil beads. Fly ornament necklaces, occasionally presented to courageous soldiers, may have been worn as talismans to ward off insects. Small fly amulets have been found in Egypt made from gold, silver, bone, lapis lazuli, faience, carnelian,...

Mirror of Isis with Horus as a baby

Mirror of Isis with Horus as a baby

This bronze mirror portrays Isis as a figure of fertility and maternity. She holds her son, Horus, who appears as a miniature adult. As the mother of Horus, the protector of the king, Isis was essentially the queen of the gods, and thus the universal mother. The form above her head looks much like the...

Statuette of Lady Thuya

Thuya or Tjuyu was an Egyptian noblewoman and the mother of queen Tiye, and the wife of Yuya. She is the grandmother of Akhenaten, and great grandmother of Tutankhamun. The statuette of Thuya is carved from two species of wood that the Egyptians imported from the south – shea wood for the base, and African...