Museo Egizio

Amulet depicting the goddess Heqet

Amulet of the goddess Heqet

This shiny faience amulet vividly reproduces the moist skin of this amphibian, it was the sacred animal of the goddess Heqet, protector of births. The frog raises its head, while its legs, tense and nervous, are ready to jump. Amulets in the shape of frogs were produced throughout the Pharaonic period and in very different...

Statue of Ramesses II

Statue of Ramesses II

In this statue King Ramesses II appears in the Blue Khepresh Crown or war helmet, grasping the heqa scepter. The sculpture is world renowned as the Turin masterpiece portrait of Egypt’s longest reigning and most famous king. Breaking with traditional royal portraits, the great general wears a long full robe that is asymmetrically draped to...

Andesite porphyry jar with wavy handles

Andesite porphyry jar with wavy handles

This andesite porphyry jar with handles for suspension was found in a tomb dates to the Old Kingdom (ca. 2686-2181 BC), it is an object handed down from generation to generation: the wavy handle is in fact a decorative motif typical of the Predynastic Period (ca. 4400-3100 BC). Considering the technology available at the time...

Statue of King Seti II

Statue of Seti II

This colossal sandstone statue depicts king Seti II and is over five meters high! The statue was originally placed on the religious path of the sacred boats of the Theban triad (Amun, Mut and Khonsu) and it was essential that, also by means of a statue, the king presented himself to the entire population engaged...

Relief of King Djoser

Relief of King Djoser

In this relief, the powerful face, thick lips, and coarse profile of the deity are reminiscent of King Djoser as he is depicted at Saqqara. The fragment relief depicts a seated god wearing a long wig and the “divine” beard, with curled tip. A broad collar embellishes the plain, clinging garment from which one hand...

Figurine of the god Khnum

Figurine of the god Khnum

Upper part of a steatite figurine depicting the god Khnum. The ram headed deity was the embodiment of the creative force and was thought to control the waters of the Nile from caves near the first cataract. Intimately connected to the river and the concept of fertility, the god was often depicted as a potter,...

Discovery of the tomb of Kha and Merit at Deir el Medina

Discovery of the Tomb of Kha

After the discovery of the tomb of Kha by the Italian archaeologists, the Egyptian authorities insisted only on a small part of Kha’s finds so that a bronze lamp and its tall wooden support, breads, blocks of salt and 19 terracotta vases were retained by Egypt. All the rest of more than 500 items was...

Cartouches of the god Aten

Cartouches of Aten

This block of crystalline limestone once graced the railing of a stairway in a temple of the god Aten. It is in the form of a double cartouche, which usually enclosed the name of the king. In this relief instead, the cartouches contain the names of the sun disk Aten, the one god of king...

Royal cubit rod of Amenemope

Royal cubit rod of Amenemope

This ruler corresponds to the main Egyptian linear unit of measure, the “royal cubit” (ca. 52.5 cm), and its subdivisions are marked on it. It bears two inscriptions. One is a eulogy of king Horemheb, the other an offering formula for the owner Amenemope who was Overseer of the Two Granaries. Some inaccuracies in the...

Triad of Ramesses II with Amun and Mut

Triad of Ramesses II

Pink granite triad statue depicting king Ramesses II seated between the god Amun and the goddess Mut represented with the attributes of the goddess Hathor. The king, at the center of the divine embrace, replaces the son of the two gods, Khonsu, to form the Theban triad. Both deities were considered protectors and guarantors for...