Museo Egizio

Coffins of Butehamun

Butehamun was a distinguished scribe who was born and raised in the Deir el-Medina region, and resided in Medinet Habu, living during the reign of Ramesses XI, he died in Third Intermediate Period. Born into a lineage of scribes, he followed in the footsteps of his father, Thutmose, embracing a life devoted to the written...

Amulet depicting the djed pillar

Amulet depicting the djed pillar

This djed amulet was discovered in the tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV66) in the Valley of the Queens and dates back to the New Kingdom, specifically the 19th Dynasty (ca. 1279-1213 BC) during the reign of Ramesses II. The amulet measures 5.5 cm in height, 13 cm in length, and 1 cm in width. It...

Statue of Anen

Anen, also known as Aanen, was an ancient Egyptian nobleman and official during the Eighteenth Dynasty, specifically under the reign of his brother-in-law, Pharaoh Amenhotep III. He held significant roles such as the Chancellor of Lower Egypt, Second of the Four Prophets of Amun, sem-priest of Heliopolis, and was also known as the Greatest of...

Amulet of a lion-headed uraeus

Amulet of a lion-headed uraeus

An amulet of a lion-headed uraeus is a powerful and symbolic piece of ancient Egyptian jewelry, often designed to convey protection, strength, and divine authority. In ancient Egyptian symbolism, the uraeus is a representation of a serpent, typically a cobra, which is used as a symbol of sovereignty, protection, and divine power. The uraeus was...

Wig of Merit

Merit was the wife of the foreman Kha, and the couple both resided in the Worker’s Village of Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) and were buried together in the local necropolis within Theban Tomb 8 (TT8). The tomb was discovered during an Italian Archaeological Mission by Ernesto Schiaparelli and Arthur Weigall in 1906, and considering it’s...

Outer coffin of Butehamun

Outer coffin of Butehamun

The outer coffin of Butehamun shows stylistic features that are still typical for the Ramesside Period (1292-1076 BC), but the growing space devoted to images is a feature of the new “yellow coffin” style. The image repertoire is expanded, combining typical New Kingdom elements with Third Intermediate Period Theological creations. Butehamun’s set of coffins, probably...

A Family Portrait

This limestone statuette features a husband, wife and their daughter together for eternity. It dates from the 18th Dynasty was was discovered in Thebes, possibly Deir el-Medina, but uncertain. It measures at 32 x 15.5 x 19.5 cm. The male is painted in traditional Egyptian red, he wears a shoulder length wig with a fringe,...

Statue of Lady Hel

“everything that comes forth in the presence of the gods of Memphis for the Osiris, the lady Hel…”, “one who makes music for (her) lady”, This seated limestone statue of a woman, called Lady Hel, was seemingly made to be placed within a tomb chapel in Saqqara. We can tell this statue was intended for...

Bes Ostracon

This limestone ostracon from the artisans village of Deir el-Medina (Egyptian: Set Ma’at = “The Place of Truth“), shows a beautifully intricate line drawing of the dwarf god Bes. The faint red pigmented lines, now orange, showcase the talent of the artists living within the worker’s village of Deir el-Medina. Likely a trial piece to...

Statue of Penmernabu

This limestone statue of a man named Penmernabu holding a shrine was discovered at Deir el-Medina. Penmernabu’s shrine is surmounted by the head of a ram, an animal sacred and associated with the god Amun-Ra. The first datable remains of the village of Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) belong to the reign of Thutmose I (c....