
Mummy of King Amenhotep II

Mummy of Amenhotep II

The French excavator Victor Loret found the mummy of Amenhotep II in 1898, still resting in his own sarcophagus in his tomb (KV35) in the Valley of the Kings. At that time, before the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, he was the only king whose mummy had survived the vicissitudes of continued robbery and...

Mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun

Mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun

The mummy of Queen Ahmose-Meritamun was buried in tomb (TT358) in Deir el-Bahari in two cedar wood coffins and a cartonnage outer case, which is now damaged. Cartonnage is linen or papyrus held together by glue and molded into coffins. The tomb, in antiquity, had been robbed and apparently the mummy was plundered. Nevertheless, during...

Mummy of Pacheri

Mummy of Pacheri

It is the mummy of a man about 1.65 meter tall, who lived during the Ptolemaic Period (ca. 305-30 BC). The quality of its embalming, as well as the state of conservation make it a specimen noticeable and worthy of notice. The mummy is a perfect example for anyone wanting to understand the technique of...

Gazelle Mummy

This gazelle mummy was probably raised at a temple specifically for the purpose of being mummified and used as a burial offering. Archaeologists have uncovered cemeteries containing millions of animal mummies. They weren’t pets—they were raised in large quantities to be mummified, then sold as religious offerings. Most Egyptian gods were associated with animals, and...

Mummy of Maatkare Mutemhat

Mummy of Maatkare Mutemhat

Maatkare Mutemhat was the daughter of Pinedjem I, the powerful High Priest of Amun, who, in his reverence for the past, bestowed upon his children the names of Egypt’s greatest rulers. To his daughter, he gave the throne name of Queen Hatshepsut, linking her legacy to that of one of the most formidable women to...

Mummy of King Amenhotep I

Mummy of Amenhotep I

The Mummy of Amenhotep I was originally buried at Dra’ Abu el-Naga’. During the 21st Dynasty, the mummy, which was in poor condition, was moved to the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cachette (DB320). The mummy was carefully wrapped in bandages and covered with a mask, which is still in place together with garlands of flowers. An...

Mummy of Ramesses III

Before the discovery of the mummy of Ramesses III it had been speculated that he had been killed by means that would not have left a mark on the body. Among the conspirators were practitioners of magic, who might well have used poison. Some had put forth a hypothesis that a snakebite from a viper...

Mummy of Queen Nodjmet

Mummy of Queen Nodjmet

The mummy of Queen Nodjmet was found in the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cachette (DB320). The mummy had been given artificial eyes, made of white and black stones. The eyebrows are real hair and she wears a wig. Her body and parts of her face were coloured to give her a more lively appearance. Nodjmet was an ancient...

Mummy of a Falcon

The mummy of a falcon represents the god Horus. The falcon is wrapped in the shape of a human mummy. The head is covered with a falcon-shaped mask, which consists of several layers of linen with a thick coating of painted stucco. The linen bandages intersect to form lozenge shapes. The mummy wears a wig...