
The process of mummification was both scientific and spiritual, and it evolved over the centuries to become increasingly sophisticated. Mummification was not reserved only for royalty and nobility, although it was most elaborate for the pharaohs. It was done for any Egyptian who could afford the process, and even some animals were mummified.

Tomb of Hekashepes

In 2023, an archaeological team led by renowned Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass made a groundbreaking discovery at Saqqara, an ancient burial site near Cairo, Egypt. This excavation uncovered several Old Kingdom tombs, including the sealed sarcophagus of Hekashepes, a noble who lived over 4,300 years ago during the 5th or 6th Dynasty (c. 2300 B.C.)....

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

In 2021, archaeologists in Egypt made a fascinating discovery—a 2,500-year-old mummy with a golden tongue. Found at the Taposiris Magna temple near Alexandria, this remarkable find is believed to be linked to ancient burial rituals aimed at ensuring the deceased could speak in the afterlife. The Mummy with the Golden Tongue was discovered in early...

Tutankhamun’s Forensic Reconstructions

The 2005 facial reconstruction of Tutankhamun was created by three independent teams of forensic experts from France, Egypt, and the United States. The project was led by Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, with National Geographic providing support. The French team worked blindly, meaning they did not know the identity of the subject, to ensure an...

Mummy of Herakleides

Herakleides lived during the time when Egypt was under Roman rule, which followed after the fall of the Ptolemaic period. His name, “Herakleides, son of Thermos” is inscribed on his mummy shroud. Herakleides was mummified following traditional Egyptian practices but with Roman influences. His body was wrapped in a linen shroud painted red, symbolizing life...

Mummy of Sitre-In

This mummy of a woman known as “Mummy KV60b” was discovered within a large (7ft) sarcophagus in Tomb KV60 of the Valley of the Kings. She is one of two female mummies discovered within the tomb, and her coffin was inscribed with the title of “Great Royal Nurse, In” [Egyptian: wr šdt nfrw nswt In]....

Faiyum Portrait Mummy of a Young Child

This mummy from Hawara, dates from the 1st-2nd Century A.D., and is of a young child aged 2-3 years of age. Barbara Borg FSA (Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Scuola Normale Superiore) and German Egyptologist and Curator Dr. Cäcilia Fluck proposed that the idea of the mummy being a male was incorrect, based upon...

The Mummified Dog

Among the many treasures of Ancient Egypt lies a remarkably well-preserved mummified dog, a testament to the deep bond between Egyptians and their canine companions. Dogs were domesticated in Egypt and, much like today, were cherished as loyal pets. Depictions on temple walls and artefacts show hunting and battle scenes featuring pharaohs in chariots, accompanied...

The Mummy’s Curse

This mummy board was inspiration for various mythological tales associated with misfortune in the early 20th century. This included being the cause of death of British writer and journalist, Bertram Fletcher Robinson, and even the sinking of the Titanic; After the tragic sinking, stories persisted that this ‘mummy’ was on board the ill-fated ship and...

The Mummy of Thuya

Yuya and Thuya are the parents of Queen Tiye, the beloved Great Royal Wife of king Amenhotep III. The pair were buried at the famous Valley of the Kings, within their tomb known as KV46, which was discovered in February of 1905 by by the British Egyptologist James E. Quibell, during excavations funded by the...

Head of a woman

Head of a woman (momie de femme), discovered at Thebes in 1799. Little is known about the identity of the woman, but she dates from between the New Kingdom Period and Late Period (when the last Native rulers of Ancient Egypt held power), c. 1550–332 B.C. Mummified head of a woman (momie de femme), discovered...