Middle Kingdom

Girdle with Cowrie Shells

Girdle with Cowrie Shells

This girdle with cowrie shells was found with other pieces of jewelry in the plundered chamber reached by a shaft in the portico of a rock-cut tomb in the Asasif section of the Theban necropolis. Among the finds were parts of a rectangular wooden coffin with green hieroglyphs on a yellow background as well as...

Relief of King Senusret I before the god Min-Amun

Senusret I before Min-Amun

In this relief King Senusret I presents offerings to the god Min-Amun, shown in his ithyphallic form. Min, Egyptian god of fertility. He was invoked for animal, vegetable and human fertility. Min is represented in human form with legs placed close together like those of a mummy and an erect phallus. A flail is depicted...

Pectoral with an Opposing Seth Animal and Hieracosphinx

Pectoral of Opposing Seth and Hieracosphinx

On the right of this pectoral is the god Seth, who can signify southern Egypt, while on the left is a hieracosphinx representing Horus, a deity here related to northern Egypt. At the center is a symbol representing the goddess Hathor, imagery that was already ancient by the Middle Kingdom. The beautifully worked back of...

Relief of Horus and Seth

Relief of Horus and Seth

In this decoration showing the theme of the unification of the Two Lands ‘Sema Tawy’, Horus and Seth replaced Hapi, which was associated with the Nile god. Detail on the side of the throne of King Senusret I. Furthermore, we have here one of the rare cases in which the image of Seth, god of...

Electrum Falcon Pendant of the God Horus

Pendant Amulet of the God Horus

Horus was the symbol of the king and his protector, on this pendant amulet he is shown wearing the Double Pschent Crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, the symbol of kingship. The falcon’s wings are folded, and he perches on a schematic version of the traditional block border motif. The pendant was formed of two...

Apotropaic Wand Fragment

Apotropaic Wand Fragment

“One side of this ivory fragment wand carving depicts a figure of a crocodile with its tail curved below the head and body. The mouth, eyes, leg scales, and body ridges are carved in minute detail. With its eye open and jaws closed in alert pose it faces right toward the accompanying figures (now lost)....

Pyramidion of King Amenemhat III

Pyramidion of Amenemhat III

The basalt pyramidion of Amenemhet III was found from his pyramid toppled from the peak of its structure and preserved relatively intact. Under a winged sun-disk are hieroglyphic texts offering the king access to the sun-god. Very few pyramidia or capstones have survived into modern times. Most of those that remain are made of polished...

Head and Upper Body of King Senusret II

Statue of Senusret II

The statue offers a naturalistic treatment of the eyes and mouth and is found in the sculptures of Nofret and in this unsubscribed bust attributed to King Senusret II. During the reign of Senusret II, the image of the king was transformed both textually and visually, with signs of age appearing that include a wrinkled...

Model Boat with Crew Sailing Upstream

Model Boat with Crew Sailing Upstream

The traditional model of a boat depicts the crew sailing upstream. The boat is equipped with a mast, spars, or poles, and a well-preserved linen sail, and rigging and an oar. The models of the 15 members of the crew vary in posture, except for their feet, which are separately modeled in stucco. They are...

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

Girdle with cowrie shells of gold

The girdle with golden cowrie shells could have been worn by a small woman. It was slipped over the head and arms to rest on the widest part of her hips and to cross the lowest part of her abdomen. Such girdles were commonly depicted on the little dolls of wood or faience often found...