Middle Kingdom

Statuette of a Hippopotamus

Statuette of a Hippopotamus

Egyptian faience statuette of a hippopotamus decorated with lily plants, symbolic of regeneration in the hereafter. These statuettes were popular grave goods that were placed close to the mummy in the coffin. Plants and animals characteristic of the marshes where the hippo lived are depicted on its body. The king’s ritual hippopotamus hunt symbolized his...

Egyptian Faience Hedgehog Statuette

Hedgehog Statuette

The statuette is a faithful model of a hedgehog with a long nose, small eyes, and pointed ears, but the body is completely covered with spines in a rather representational manner. The figure is made from blue faience and stands on an oval faience base. Images of hedgehogs were painted in tombs of the Old...

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

Pectoral of Princess Mereret

This necklace with a pectoral had once adorned the figure of Princess Mereret, the daughter of King Senusret III and sister of his successor Amenemhat III. It bears a cartouche containing the coronation name of Amenemhat III as decoration. Represented as two falcon-headed sphinxes, the king smites his enemies. Above, the vulture-goddess, Nekhbet, is shown...

Head of King Amenemhat III

Head of Amenemhat III

Realistic style portrait head of king Amenemhat III, wearing the white Hedjet crown of Upper Egypt, made out of greywacke. This head from a statue shows highly individualistic facial features, which goes against the usual idealizing tendencies. Amenemhat Ill’s features are clearly marked and give life to a highly individualistic portrait quite unlike the idealized...

Statue of King Mentuhotep II. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 36195

Statue of Mentuhotep II

This statue of King Mentuhotep II is made out of painted sandstone, represents a stepping-stone in the renaissance of Egyptian art at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. King Mentuhotep II is shown here seated, wearing the red Deshret crown of Lower Egypt, a knee-length white Heb Sed, or jubilee robe, and a ceremonial beard....

Model of a Soul House

Model of a Soul House

This model from Rifah of the “Soul House” type represents a house with a three-columned portico behind a walled courtyard; in front of the courtyard a libation spout is partly preserved. A stairway on the right gives access to the roof of the house, where an arched opening represents a feature in actual houses through...

Model of a Soul House and Garden

Model of a Soul House and Garden

This model shows the facade of a soul house with a portico, or covered entrance, that is supported by two rows of four columns in the form of bound lotus flowers and stems. The well-preserved colors of these columns range from white and yellow to blue, while the capitals are painted in green and red....

Model of ancient Egyptian Infantry

Model of ancient Egyptian soldiers

This group model of ancient Egyptian soldiers was found in the tomb of Mesehti, a local governor of Asyut at the end of the First Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. The group consists of forty soldiers arranged in ten lines. They are colored reddish brown, their strong tan indicating their continuous...

Guardian Figure probably Amenemhat II or Senusret II

Wooden Figure wears the red Deshret crown

This figure wears the red Deshret crown of Lower Egypt and the face appears to reflect the features of the reigning king, most probably Amenemhat II or Senusret II. However, the divine kilt suggests that the statuette was not merely a representation of the living ruler. Together with its counterpart wearing the white Hedjet crown...

Pectoral of Sithathoriunet

Pectoral and Necklace of Princess Sithathoriunet

The pectoral of of Sithathoriunet is composed around the throne name of King Senusret II. It was found among the jewelry of Princess Sithathoriunet in a special niche of her underground tomb beside the pyramid of Senusret II at Lahun. Hieroglyphic signs make up the design, and the whole may be read: “The god of...