Metropolitan Museum

Metternich Stela

Metternich Stela (Cippus of Horus)

The Metternich stela belongs to a group of stelae known as the “Cippi of Horus” or ‘Stelae of Horus on the crocodiles’. The top half of this stela was skillfully carved in the hard dark stone. On the part below the central figure panel, rows of hieroglyphs record thirteen magic spells to protect against venomous...

Coffin Set of Henuttawy

Coffin Set of Henuttawy

The inner coffin lid of Henuttawy is painted yellow all over, imitating royal coffins made of solid gold or gilded wood. The pectoral is only slightly less elaborate than the one on her outer lid (25.3.182a, b). Its main feature is a large scarab that pushes a sun disk upward to symbolize the rising sun....

Yellow Jasper head of a Queen

“The parts that are not there, the loss, give it even more power.”– Barry X Ball, American sculptor. The Artist Project, 2016. This fragmentary head of a queen dates from the Amarna period, and it likely depicts king Akhenaten’s mother Queen Tiye, however this is not certified, and it could in fact be a daughter...

Painter’s Palette

This painter’s palette was carved from a single piece of ivory. Six oval wells contain cakes of pigments including blue, green, brown (?), yellow, red, and black. The oval cartouche at one end encircles the throne name of Amenhotep III, Neb-Ma’at-Re, and the epithet “beloved of Re.” This could mean the palette belonged to an...

Figure of Taweret

Painted limestone statuette of Tawaret. This figurine was donated to a woman named Taweret by her mother. She has one arm bent and a lotus bud in her uplifted hand, a gesture rarely seen in depictions of women. The lotus bud could refer to Taweret’s youth. This unopened bloom is rarely found in statues. As...

Statue of Yuny

This statue of Chief Royal Scribe and Physician, Yuny was discovered at Asyut (Lykopolis) in 1913. The statue is made from limestone and dates from the reign of Seti I, 1294–1279 B.C. Yuny is portrayed kneeling, dressed in a nobleman’s robe, wig and sandals. His eyes and brows, which were originally created as inlays, have...

Torso of Nefertiti

Made of indurated limestone, this torso of Nefertiti was discovered in the remnants of the Sanctuary of the Great Aten Temple, possibly found within a pit just south of the temple, during the Petrie/Carter excavations, 1891–92. The statue would have been a part of a double statue depicting Nefertiti alongside her husband, king Akhenaten, making...

Model of a Slaughter House

Model of a Slaughter House

This model of a slaughter house was discovered in a hidden chamber beside twenty-three other models of boats, gardens, and workshops that led to the royal chief steward Meketre’s rock-cut tomb. Meketre started working for the kings of the 11th Dynasty under King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II and continued to serve them until the early 12th...

Memi & Sabu

This double painted limestone statue depicts the King’s Acquaintances Memi and Sabu. This close up image showcases the craftsmanship of the Old Kingdom’s sculptors. The fine detailing of Memi’s layered wig, which envelops his head in an elaborate circular style, still has traces of black paint upon it, and the individual carvings of each strand...

Official Mitry

Mitry (formerly spelt “Merti”) was a senior official and province governor. His tomb’s serdab (statue chamber) contained eleven extraordinarily huge wooden statues. Five are in The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection (26.2.2 – 26.2.6); five, including two wooden scribes, are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; and one is at Stockholm’s Medlhavsmuseet. Most of these...