Mentuhotep II


Kemsit was an ancient Egyptian queen consort and the wife of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty. Her titles included “King’s Beloved Wife” (ḥmt-nỉswt mrỉỉ.t=f), “King’s Ornament” (ẖkr.t-nỉswt), “King’s Sole Ornament” (ẖkr.t-nỉswt wˁtỉ.t), and “Priestess of Hathor”. Her tomb (TT308) and modest ornate chapel were discovered in her husband’s Deir el-Bahari temple complex, behind...

Osiride statue of Mentuhotep II

Osiride statue of Mentuhotep II

This head of king Mentuhotep II is made of sandstone and depicts the king in Osiride form. He is wearing the white Atef crown, worn by the god Osiris. With a slight smile, king Mentuhotep stares forth with lined eyes, red skin and a uraeus of royal insignia adorned upon his crown, his false beard...

Relief of Mentuhotep II

Relief of Mentuhotep II

King Mentuhotep II being embraced by the falcon-god of war Montu (no longer visible) Middle Kingdom, 11th Dynasty, c. 2055-2004 B.C. Temple of Mentuhotep, Deir el-Bahari. Limestone relief of Mentuhotep II: this section of raised relief shows Mentuhotep II, wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt, embraced by the god Montu. Montu embraces the king...

Female Mourners from the Papyrus of Ani

Ani, held numerous titles including, “True Scribe of the King; His Beloved Scribe”, as well as “Overseer of the Double Granary of the Lord of Tawer”. Ani’s famous papyrus is one of the best preserved documents from Ancient Egypt, and is known as the Book of the Dead. A Book of the Dead is a...

Statue of King Mentuhotep II. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 36195

Statue of Mentuhotep II

This statue of King Mentuhotep II is made out of painted sandstone, represents a stepping-stone in the renaissance of Egyptian art at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. King Mentuhotep II is shown here seated, wearing the red Deshret crown of Lower Egypt, a knee-length white Heb Sed, or jubilee robe, and a ceremonial beard....