
Nefer of the Old Kingdom

Nefer of the Old Kingdom

Nefer was a man of important status in Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom period. The owner of Tomb G 2110 at Giza, Nefer clearly held enough societal importance to have a decorated tomb upon the Giza Plateau to enjoy eternity within. Nefer’s titles vary, among some of which are, “Strong-of-voice (of the judiciary), Chief of the...

Statue of Penmernabu

This limestone statue of a man named Penmernabu holding a shrine was discovered at Deir el-Medina. Penmernabu’s shrine is surmounted by the head of a ram, an animal sacred and associated with the god Amun-Ra. The first datable remains of the village of Deir el-Medina (Set Ma’at) belong to the reign of Thutmose I (c....

Bust of Akhenaten

Limestone bust of Akhenaten from Tel el-Amarna (ancient Akhetaten) New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Akhenaten, c. 1352-1335 B.C. Musée du Louvre. E 11076

Painted limestone head of Userkaf

Once within the collection of Prince Mohammed Ali, and since 1979, in the hands of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, this head of king Userkaf shows the Old Kingdom king, wearing the white crown of Egypt, known as the Hedjet. The Hedjet was a representation of Upper Egypt; the Nile valley south of Memphis...

Head of Tutankhamun

This indurated limestone head of Tutankhamun, shows the youthful king wearing the khepresh crown, with a cobra uraeus. Upon first glance you may miss it, but what is fascinating is the hand of Amun, sanctifying Tutankhamun. Although statues of Egyptian rulers with deities were common practice, this piece, depicting Tutankhamun with Amun, showcases the rapid...

Nikare with wife Khuennub and daughter Khuennebti

Nikare with wife Khuennub and daughter Khuennebti

This painted limestone statue of an Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom family, dates from the 5th Dynasty, c. 2420-2389 B.C.The statue depicts Nikare, the Official of the Granary, with his wife Khuennub knelt by his side, and their daughter Khuennebti standing beside her father. Found in Saqqara, likely the Memphite region, the limestone statue still has...

Ostracon of king spearing lion

King spearing lion

This ostracon depicting a lively scene of a Ramesside pharaoh hunting wild animals with a spear, was given to the Earl of Carnarvon during a division of finds, after excavations conducted by Howard Carter in 1920. It was discovered within the Valley of the Kings, among debris near the entrance of what would be the...

Painted limestone seated statuette of Mahu and his wife Duat.

Mahu and his wife Duat

This doubled seated painted limestone statue depicts the overseer Mahu, who is titled with “Overseer of the work of Amun at Karnak” and his wife Duat, who was a priestess with the title “Priestess of Amun-Ra and Hathor“. Due to their titles it is to be believed the pair were from Thebes, and thus, it...

Unknown couple statuette

Unknown couple statuette

This seated double statuette, made from painted limestone, is 28cm tall and depicts an Ancient Egyptian couple dating from the middle of the 18th Dynasty. Unfortunately, the piece is uninscribed, despite the sides having “scalloped motifs, edged on two sides with a decorative border of rectangles.” The piece is in typical Ancient Egyptian fashion, showcasing...

A reserve head depicts a member of king Khafre’s family

Reserve Head

A reserve head depicts a member of king Khafre’s family. The reserve heads display a natural grandeur and are all fully shaven, as if they wore skullcaps, so that it is often difficult to distinguish between male and female portraits. This head, which depicts a member of Khafre’s family, is characteristic of this type of...