
Monkey's Grooming

Monkey’s Grooming

This small limestone figurine depicts a monkey grooming another, and from the right side a small monkey can be seen grooming another tiny monkey, between the two. The purpose of this figurine is uncertain, it could have been made just as an amusing trinket. However, the Royal Ontario Museum, where this piece now resides, actually...

Amarna Princess

This delicate limestone statuette portrays a daughter of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti. She is depicted wearing the distinctive “side-lock of youth,” a plaited strand of hair emerging from a cap-like crown, seemingly fashioned from layered beads. The term “side-lock of youth” was coined by Egyptologists to describe this particular hairstyle, which was traditionally worn...

Statue of Nehy

Inscription: Everything which goes forth before the lords of the necropolis: bread, beer, oxen and fowl, wine, incense, libation-water and all good and pure things for the Ka of the Osiris, the Mistress of the House, the Chantress of the Mistress of Heaven, She of the Southern Sycamore (Hathor), Nehy, True of Voice. Nehy was...

The baker Djehuty

This double seated statue of an 18th Dynasty baker and his wife Ahhotep is made of limestone. The couple’s children appear upon the sides of their seat. Remnants of paint remain upon the figures of both Djehuty and Ahhotep. They are wearing their finest linens, Djehuty wears a wrap around shendyt that is pulled up...

Inet, wife of Iry

Inet, wife of Iry

This limestone low relief depicts Inet, wife of Iry, in front of four smaller figures who are possibly Inet’s children; three women and boy.A funerary formula adorns the top of the scene. Summary:Limestone funerary relief of Inet, wife of IryOld Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, c. 2613-2494 B.C.From Giza. British Museum. EA1170

Mayor Nen-Kheft-Ka

Made of limestone, the statue is delicately carved in traditional style of the Old Kingdom period. The pleated linen of Nen-Kheft-Ka’s kilt and belt, and dagger resting upon his stomach, showcases beautiful craftsmanship. The remnants of paint, reddish yellow, giving a golden hue to the skin, white of the kilt and black of the square...

Nen-Kheft-Ka and Nefer-Shemes

Inscribed with the title of “Royal acquaintance”, this double statuette depicts a married couple, Nen-Kheft-Ka and his wife Nefer-Shemes. Nen-Kheft-Ka was the mayor of his town, and this statue was discovered within his mastaba, rock-cut tomb at Deshasheh. Made of limestone, the statue is delicately carved in traditional style of the Old Kingdom period. The...

Relief of Ramesses II

This limestone relief, depicting king Ramesses II, is rich in colour despite being just a fragmentary remnant. The king is adorned in yellow, representing glistening gold. The style of portraiture tells us this piece was likely made early within his reign, possibly somewhere between the first two years, as it’s very similar to works created...

Fragmentary female

Fragmentary female

This limestone fragment from a statue of a woman was found in the remnants of the Temple of Mentuhotep II, at Deir el-Bahari. At 26.50cm tall, unfortunately, her lower body and right arm are missing. She was discovered among other statues, known as “votive statues”, during an excavation of the Temple of Menuthotep II. It...

Raramu and Ankhet

This double statuette (57.2 × 36.2 cm) depicts the married couple Raramu and Ankhet, and it was found within Raramu’s tomb (G 2099). Raramu was an elite in Ancient Egyptian society within the Old Kingdom period, and he held many titles. Some of those titles showcase his royal ties, such as, “Priest of Khufu in...