
Bust of a Priest

This limestone bust depicts a priest in a cream-coloured tunic, and is believed to date from the Ptolemaic Period, 130-30 B.C. The facial details are sublimely realistic and show an older man with deep frown lines, a downturned mouth and almond eyes. The collar bone protruding and the jowls of the jawline and loosened skin...

Prince Khuenra as a scribe

Statue of Prince Khuenra

Khuenre (Khuenra) was a fourth-dynasty Egyptian prince. He was the son of king Menkaure and his sister, Queen Khamerernebty II. He was the grandson of Khafre and Khamerernebty I, and the great-grandfather of Khufu, the monarch who erected the Great Pyramid of Giza. Furthermore, he worked as a secretary and held the title, “sole companion...

Figure of Taweret

Painted limestone statuette of Tawaret. This figurine was donated to a woman named Taweret by her mother. She has one arm bent and a lotus bud in her uplifted hand, a gesture rarely seen in depictions of women. The lotus bud could refer to Taweret’s youth. This unopened bloom is rarely found in statues. As...

Statue of Yuny

This statue of Chief Royal Scribe and Physician, Yuny was discovered at Asyut (Lykopolis) in 1913. The statue is made from limestone and dates from the reign of Seti I, 1294–1279 B.C. Yuny is portrayed kneeling, dressed in a nobleman’s robe, wig and sandals. His eyes and brows, which were originally created as inlays, have...

Head of a Royal

This small fragmentary head made from white limestone is clearly of the Amarna Period. During Akhenaten’s reign, royal portraiture witnessed significant changes., there are numerous sculptures of Akhenaten and his royal household which deviate from traditional depictions of the monarchy. Akhenaten is sometimes shown what some deem “androgynous” and highly stylized, with huge thighs, a...

Torso of Nefertiti

Made of indurated limestone, this torso of Nefertiti was discovered in the remnants of the Sanctuary of the Great Aten Temple, possibly found within a pit just south of the temple, during the Petrie/Carter excavations, 1891–92. The statue would have been a part of a double statue depicting Nefertiti alongside her husband, king Akhenaten, making...

Memi & Sabu

This double painted limestone statue depicts the King’s Acquaintances Memi and Sabu. This close up image showcases the craftsmanship of the Old Kingdom’s sculptors. The fine detailing of Memi’s layered wig, which envelops his head in an elaborate circular style, still has traces of black paint upon it, and the individual carvings of each strand...

Copulating Couple

This limestone piece, despite damage and missing aspects, depicts a scene of a man and a woman copulating. The man’s phallus is oversized, for symbolism, but the tenderness of the scene showcases an interesting and unique representation of erotic artworks from Ancient Egypt. As the couple lay upon their side facing one another, the man,...

Ahmose Meritamun in Hathor wig

Ahmose Meritamun in Hathor wig

This colossal limestone bust depicts a female figure wearing what is known as the ‘Hathor wig’, which has wide lappets on either side of the face that curve at the ends and a very broad lappet at the back. This sort of wig has been named after the goddess Hathor because it resembles her hairstyle,...

The White Chapel of Senwosret I

The White Chapel of Pharaoh Senwosret I, also known as the Jubilee Chapel of Senwosret I, was built during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. During the New Kingdom, it was dismantled and used as filling for the Third Pylon of Karnak’s temple in the Amun-Re Precinct. The dismantled fragments were discovered inside the Third Pylon of Karnak’s...