
Statue of Kaemked

Kneeling Statue of Kaemked

The statue depicts Urini’s funerary priest, Kaemked kneeling in a position of worship, clasping his hands on his knees, wearing a short kilt, tied with a belt. This is one of many statues found in the tomb of the Treasurer Urini at Saqqara. A copper frame emphasizes his eyes, while his pupils are inlaid with...

Plaque of a Woman Giving Birth. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 40627

Plaque of a Woman Giving Birth

This plaque depicts a woman giving birth on the birthing-chair, being assisted by two women with Hathor heads and crowns; the Hathor crown consists of two horns with the sun disk between them and tall plumes. The figures of the women are rendered in frontal view, and are nearly three-dimensional. They are carved in sunken-relief,...

The Meidum Geese

Meidum Geese

This part of a wall painting of geese was found in the Mastaba of Nefermaat and his wife, Itet, at Meidum where it decorated the lower part of one of the walls in the passage leading to Itet’s chapel. The colors used here derived from natural materials: white from limestone, red from hematite and green...