
Ostracon of a Prayer

Ostracon of a Prayer

This ostracon is depicting a scribe as a prayer, drawing on a piece of limestone. The ancient Egyptians drew on ostraca for a variety of reasons; for example, while planning work on tombs or as exercises. Ostraca are simple splinters of limestone or shards of pottery, on which the ancient Egyptians wrote or drew. This...

Ostracon of a Cat Minding Geese

Ostracon of a Cat Minding Geese

Ostracon of a cat, standing on its hind legs, acts as guide and protector to a flock of six ducks or geese, arranged in two registers, or sections. The ostracon shows a cheerful episode from an Egyptian folktale. In this tale the roles of the natural world are reversed. Above the birds is a nest...

Statue of Akhenaten Kissing his Daughter

Statue of Akhenaten Kissing his Daughter

This unfinished limestone statue of King Akhenaten kissing his daughter is of high artistic quality. It was discovered in a sculptor’s atelier, or workshop, at Tell el-Amarna. It depicts King Akhenaten supporting on his knee one of his daughters, probably Meritaten. Akhenaten sits on a stool wearing a short-sleeved tunic and the Blue Khepresh Crown...

Statue of King Horemheb and God Horus

Statue of Horemheb and Horus

In this nearly life-size statue made of white limestone, Horemheb is seated on the right side of Horus, who places his right arm around the king’s waist. The god’s left hand is holding the sign of life. The two figures greatly resemble each other. Both have bare upper bodies and wear the shendyt kilt and...

Statue of King Sneferu

Statue of King Sneferu

In this statue, King Sneferu, the founder of the 4th Dynasty, can be seen wearing the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt, and a collar around his neck. The king wears a short kilt, which is carved in detail and tied by a belt. The cartouche of king Senferu can be seen at the center...

Bust of Nefertiti

The bust of Queen Nefertiti housed in Berlin’s Neues Museum is one of Ancient Egypt’s most famous works of art. A prime example of ancient artistry, this icon has been called “the most beautiful woman in the world”. Hypnotizing audiences since it went on display in 1923, the statue gives insight into the enigmatic queen...

Standing Statue of Priest Atjema

Standing Statue of Priest Atjema

Atjema is standing with his left foot forward, as if walking. His arms are held close to his sides, and, typically, he has cylindrical object in his hands. A man is one of the classic Old Kingdom poses is depicted in this large statue with well-preserved colors. The spaces between his torso and arms and...

Pyramidion of Ramose

Pyramidion of Ramose

The limestone Pyramidion of Ramose, from the top of the tomb of the ‘Necropolis Scribe’. Scenes on all four sides depict the worship of the sun. Ramose of the 19th dynasty was an ancient Egyptian noble and high-ranking official during the reign of kings Seti I and Ramesses II. Ramose served as a vizier, which...

Duck Hunting with Boomerangs

Duck Hunting with Boomerangs

Painted limestone relief depicting two men, Qar and Idu, hunting ducks with boomerangs. What ancient Egyptians like Qar and Idu were doing was taking one of the oldest hunting methods in human history (throwing a stick at something) and turning it into a pass time. In ancient Egypt, duck hunting held significance primarily as a...

Statue of Satmeret, Wife of Neferherenptah

Statue of Satmeret, Wife of Neferherenptah

Painted limestone standing statue of Satmeret, Wife of Neferherenptah, called Fifi. He was a purification priest and prophet of the mortuary cults of the kings Khafre and Menkaure. Neferherenptah was thus of considerable influence in Giza, where he was buried in his own Mastaba. His tomb contained statues, rather simple in character of himself, of...