Late Period

Sarcophagus of Harkhebit

Sarcophagus of Harkhebit

The sarcophagus of Harkhebit exhibits typical Memphite craftsmanship, characterized by a plump, squarish face, a smooth, unarticulated body, and slightly protruding feet. The body is inscribed with sunk-relief hieroglyphs, including passages from the Book of the Dead. The interior carvings were left rough, possibly intended for painting, perhaps in green. Harkhebit held several esteemed titles,...

Statue of Anubis

Statue of Anubis

This statue represents Anubis, god of mummification and the afterlife, typically depicted with a jackal head. In this piece, Anubis is shown in a traditional form, with a jackal head, standing in a protective and authoritative pose.  The statue was dedicated by a high-ranking official named Padihorpakhered, whose name is inscribed on the statue. He...

Reliquary of Abydos

Reliquary of Abydos

This reliquary is notable for its design, with a base adorned with four lion protomes (the head and upper part of the body of the lion). These lion elements reflect the artistic traditions of the period and were likely included for symbolic reasons, as lions were often associated with strength, protection, and royalty in ancient...

Block statue of the priest Horwedjau

This quartzite statue represents the priest Horwedjau, its surface adorned with an inscription that entreats the priests of the Temple at Coptos (Koptos) to offer invocations during various festivals, ensuring the well-being of his Ka. Though the statue’s head is missing, and its feet and base have been restored, its form—a block statue—remains significant. This...

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

The Mummy with the Golden Tongue

In 2021, archaeologists in Egypt made a fascinating discovery—a 2,500-year-old mummy with a golden tongue. Found at the Taposiris Magna temple near Alexandria, this remarkable find is believed to be linked to ancient burial rituals aimed at ensuring the deceased could speak in the afterlife. The Mummy with the Golden Tongue was discovered in early...

Glazed faience wadjet eye amulet

Glazed faience wadjet eye amulet

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents protection, health, and restoration. It’s often associated with the god Horus, who was depicted as a falcon or a man with the head of a falcon. According to Egyptian mythology, Horus lost his eye in a battle with his uncle Seth, but it was...

Statue of a cat

Statue of a cat

This bronze statue of a cat is a remarkable example of ancient Egyptian art. The statue, which is likely from the Late Period of Egypt (664-332 BC), depicts a cat in a seated position. The statue is often associated with the goddess Bastet, the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the childbirth, often depicted...

Amulet of a lion-headed uraeus

Amulet of a lion-headed uraeus

An amulet of a lion-headed uraeus is a powerful and symbolic piece of ancient Egyptian jewelry, often designed to convey protection, strength, and divine authority. In ancient Egyptian symbolism, the uraeus is a representation of a serpent, typically a cobra, which is used as a symbol of sovereignty, protection, and divine power. The uraeus was...

Head of a priest (The Boston Green Head)

Head of a priest (The Boston Green Head)

This head of a priest, called the Boston Green Head, is the best portrait sculpture known from the Late Period. The face is wonderfully lifelike and individual. Light wavy lines indicate the furrows of his brow, and crow’s feet radiate from the outer corners of his eyes. The top of his nose has a pronounced...

Metternich Stela

Metternich Stela (Cippus of Horus)

The Metternich stela belongs to a group of stelae known as the “Cippi of Horus” or ‘Stelae of Horus on the crocodiles’. The top half of this stela was skillfully carved in the hard dark stone. On the part below the central figure panel, rows of hieroglyphs record thirteen magic spells to protect against venomous...