Lapis lazuli

Triad of King Osorkon II

Triad of Osorkon II

This extremely precious solid gold and lapis lazuli item of pendant jewelry belongs to king Osorkon II – a true masterpiece of antique goldsmith – represents the holy triad of the Osiris family. Despite the presence of the god of death, this piece was more a temple treasure than a funerary jewel. The three solid...

Flexible Beaded Bracelet of King Tutankhamun

Flexible Beaded Bracelet of Tutankhamun

The principal ornament of this beautiful beaded bracelet of Tutankhamun is a large scarab at one end; when worn, the scarab would have appeared to be the central ornament. The scarab is not a single piece of stone, but is made of a number of pieces of lapis lazuli fitted most carefully into gold cloisonnés...

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

Scarab Bracelet of Tutankhamun

The scarab bracelet of Tutankhamun is considered a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian jewelry. The rigid gold bracelet is composed of two semicircles joined together by a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other. The central plaque bears a cloisonné scarab inlaid with lapis lazuli. The scarab, symbol of the morning sun, rebirth...

Two Bracelets of King Shoshenq II

Bracelets of Shoshenq II

These golden twin bracelets belong to King Shoshenq II were found, with another identical five bracelets, around the wrists of the king. The two ornaments here are decorated with the wadjet eye, above the hieroglyphic “Neb” sign symbolizing eternal protection for the king. The decorations of the bracelets are identical except for the eyes. The...

Diadem of Princess Sithathoriunet

When Flinders Petrie and Guy Brunton explored the shaft tomb of Princess Sithathoriunet in 1914 (located in the funerary complex of Senusret II at El Lahun), they found little apart from her red granite sarcophagus and a set of canopic jars, the vessels which accompanied each burial to house the internal organs. Then they discovered...

Mask of Tutankhamun

Mask of Tutankhamun

The gold funerary mask of Tutankhamun is an example of the highest artistic and technical achievements of the ancient Egyptians in the New Kingdom. The exact portrayal of the king’s facial features achieved here made it possible for his soul to recognize him and return to his mummified body. Thus ensuring his resurrection. After being...

Duck Bracelet of King Ramesses II

Duck Bracelet of Ramesses II

This solid gold bracelet of Ramesses II is composed of two parts, linked on one side by a hinge and on the other by a clasp. The broader upper part of the bracelet is decorated with a double-headed duck. The body consists of a large chunk of lapis lazuli framed by broad bands of gold...

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

Beaded Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep

The beaded bracelet of Ahhotep is a remarkable piece of jewelry that showcases the artistic and craftsmanship skills of the time. The bracelet, which is one of a pair, was found along with other jewels inside her sarcophagus. It is composed of 30 rows of gold beads and semi-precious stones (lapis lazuli, turquoise and carnelian),...

Golden Uraeus of Senusret II

Uraeus of Senusret II

The golden uraeus of Senusret II was discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1920 during his excavations around the Pyramid of Senusret II at Lahun. This piece of jewelry was thus likely part of a headdress or crown. The rearing cobra, known as a uraeus, was a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in...